
If I Could Make One Wish.....

....it would be to get on a jet plane and bring my baby home!!! I've been driving Joe crazy lately with random questions "Do you think Jae-min's omma is giving him tummy time?" "Do you think he has enough educational toys to play with?" "Do you think she sings to him?" His response has always been a very nice "I don't know", well until recently. Now he just says "why don't you call and ask?" Oh, believe me, if I could I would!! So I try to telepathically "talk" to his omma half a world away. I hope she can hear me. Please oh please be doing all the things I would be doing to help his development. And just love him to pieces until we can get there. Those are my wishes.
We got a well baby check today from January. He's still growing and now weighs 17 pounds and is about 24 inches tall. Still short and pudgy!!! He's starting to do more developmentally and is laughing, smiling more, and cooing. Oh, what a sweet sound that must be. He again appears on target for his adjusted age (had he been born on time). He's alittle behind in his gross motor (big muscles) skills and that's why I just need him home. It was a hard report for me to read today because I just want to hear that sweet laugh so bad, as well as just a hard day overall. Some days are better than others and this one had me missing him very much.
Please hurry home sweet Jae-min!!!!

1 comment:

Waiting4OurAngel said...

So sorry you had a hard day today. I know how hard it can be to miss our sweet babies. But, everyday is a day closer to holding you beautiful baby boy!!!