
Oh, This Is Too Much!!!!!

Oh, bestill my beating heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More pictures of sweet Jae-min arrived today. I can't stand it he is just soooooooooooo cute. And look at him, he's still wearing my hat!!!!! Oh, I can't wait to squeeze him and love him. This has been the best few days and I just can't believe it. How did we get so lucky? We've waited so long for this and those "in the know" always said that the heartbreak would melt away when you saw your sweet ones face and let me tell you it's totally melted. Every picture just solidifies that he is ours and we are his forever. No more tears of frustration, no more sleepless nights of worry. We have a peace in our hearts and someday soon we'll fly halfway around the world and become a family of three! How awesome is that?

In other news, we contacted the NVC today and they said we have been logged in and out of their system. In other words, our immigration stuff (I600) has been cabeled to South Korea!!!!!!!!!!!! Two more steps down. We think there are 3 more steps to be completed on the Korean side and then our phone will ring with TRAVEL CALL. This could still take some time, but wow, can you imagine, soon we'll get on a plane and our lives will never be the same again? It's all hitting me now. I know I keep saying its become so very real these last few days, but it really has. I have wanted to be a mom and see Joe as a dad for so long and its just inches away. Truly unbelievable!!!!


Jill said...

Oh he is just precious. Our little girl is Jaelynn. I was looking back at our blog http://wantingtoseeyou.blogger.com and I saw one of your old posts to us. I am so happy for you and your family. He is sooo cute. I remember when we got Jaelynn's referral it was Jan. 22, 2008. It was a wonderful day, but gottcha day is even better. I can only imagine how happy you are. Congrats!


mom & dad said...

Jae-min, you are so adorable and you'll be our first grandchild! Seeing your pictures makes us so proud and happy. We can't wait to meet you!
Love, Mom & Dad M

Waiting4OurAngel said...

He is too cute in his little hat!! I am so happy for you and it won't be long now. How's his room going??