
What Is A Real Mom?

Since beginning our adoption journey we have received many comments from others, some of which are alittle hurtful. One in particular has been like a knife in my heart "what about Jae-min's REAL mother". Each and every time I hear those words I cringe. Jae-min is a very lucky boy to have been loved by three mothers...all of which are very REAL. His birthmother who gave him life and then courageously made an adoption plan, his foster mother "omma" who has loved and cared for him so deeply and will have a difficult time letting him go, and me his mom who can't wait to love him for the rest of my life. All of us will always be REAL in Jae-min's world and he will know just how much we each loved (and still love) him.
We are a REAL couple expecting a baby. We like to do all the same things other expecting couples like to do. We have been researching baby products, planning the nursery, and registering. We have all the same fears, questions, doubts, anticipation any REAL couple would have at this time. We have all the same dreams, happiness, and joy too. We welcome any questions or conversations you would have with a pregnant couple because we too are waiting for our baby to arrive!!! I was speaking to a coworker before the holidays and I made a comment about how forgetful I have been lately. She responded with two little words "pregnancy brain" I said I'm not pregnant and she said "close enough" I guess she got just how REAL of a mother I already am.
We ordered our baby crib today and dresser and boy did it feel very real... walking among many pregnant people I felt like I belonged, like I was a REAL mom too. Aside from the slip on the ice in the parking lot and a sore tushy it was an awesome experience.
I think my vivid dreams of holding my baby, my tummy aches, and my fears of not being a good mom make it very real already.
So, what is a REAL mom you ask? ME

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