
Mission Accomplished!!!

Today we had to be at the fingerprint office in RI by 8am. Why RI and not Boston you ask? We're not sure but after todays experience we'll take it, it was heaven!!! We arrived, filled out paperwork and brought it to a kind man who congratulated us on our adoption. We sat in a very short line and a very nice girl called and did our fingerprints in record time Whala done. Done I asked her? Yup they look great and you'll hear soon. The first time we went they had a hard time with mine (it's the teeny tiny fingers) but today the first try. She was really sweet and asked where we were adopting from. Lately, thats a tough question to answer especially if people don't have alot of time for us to explain. I first told her China and then knew Joe was coming next and would probably say Korea, and then she'd be very confused. So, I explained everything as she did my fingerprints. She was really sweet and interested. The whole process was great. And we were out of there by 8:25. Now what?

Well, we took advantage of the day off together and went into Newport and had a fabulous day. We went into an asian shop and found a small silk purse that I will use to house my new camera. There were beautiful silk table runners but they were very expensive. My plan is when we go to China we'll buy plenty of silk items at cheap cheap prices!!!!! A girl can dream right? All in all a fabulous day with the one I love. What could be better than that? Well, a fabulous day with the three I love (Joe, Ava, and KB-this is what we have been calling our baby from Korea), but we're working on it!!!!!


More contact, yahoo

We received an email from our contact person at the agency on Monday welcoming us officially to the Korea program. She had a very nice letter with our date of application as 8/19/08. There was still no mention of the homestudy to Korea date so we became alittle nervous. I decided to drop her an email and ask. Well, apparently this little term is not all its cracked up to be and really doesn't mean much. She said 8/19 secures our spot in line and thats all that matters. She explained it further but we won't bore you with the details. The only important thing is we OFFICIALLY JOINED THE LIST ON 8/19 and thats our spot in line. Yahoo.

She sent along other info as well. Info on escorting and traveling. Reading this info made me tear up and get this shaking feeling all over like maybe, just maybe, this could really happen!!! We just feel more guarded than ever and feel like if we say it out in the universe then we'll jinx it. Its so hard after this year of disappointment to get excited, but we don't want to look back after we have our baby and wish we had celebrated the wait more. We'll work through it. When we have quiet time we find ourselves dreaming of a new little face. And he/she is oh so adorable!!!


Rolling Right Along

Today I got home from work and Joe had multiple pieces of mail from the mailbox pertaining to our adoptions.(he always gets the mail when its the good stuff!!!) We found 2 very important documents from the government stating we have an appointment next Friday to have our fingerprints updated. It all worked out great as I took next week off because I have so much vacation time I have to use still.
We got info from our agency about waiting family groups now that we are officially waiting. We are very interested in these as we are hoping to connect with others who are waiting too. We plan to check them out. I guess when it rains it pours. All this action and then for months there won't be anything. Oh well over the past 15 months we've gotten very used to waiting. We'll be old pros by the time this is all done.


Good News Times Two

Joe reported to me today that he had two separate ladybugs on him today at work. This must mean good news times two is headed our way, right? Well, exactly!!!!!

After playing email tag with our agency multiple times yesterday we received an email today saying "Congratulations, you are officially on the Korea program waiting list" Yahoooooooooooo So, today is the first official day of our wait. How long do we wait you ask? Well, don't try to trick us, we're not telling. All we'll say is that it is a bit of a wait just not the estimated huge wait for China right now. We know all this can change in the blink of an eye in international adoption, but for today we celebrate our spot in two lines. Two lines that will hopefully bring us to the most precious gifts of all. OUR BABIES!!! I guess the director of our program will get in touch with us soon but for tonight we'll go to sleep knowing that all of this hard work paid off. Its official and we couldn't be more excited.

The second ladybug delivered a notice from the US government confirming they received our request to extend our current immigration forms and update our fingerprints. We should hear within 2 weeks of an appointment date to have this done. I feel better knowing at least that this form made it to the appropriate location. We're moving right along. Hopefully no more turtles in the way.

Please continue to think of us and hope and pray that this all turns out magical in the end. We want it more than anything and know this is truly how it was always meant to be.



So..... I just got home from work and was drawn to the computer so I turned it on and saw no new emails!!! I went back into my funk and realized that I shouldn't be expecting anything as the alotted time frame of 5 weeks isn't over yet. I went about my business and all of a sudden the phone rang and on the caller ID it says WIDE HORIZONS FOR CHILDREN oh, I think to myself, they must have a question about our info. Well, I answer the phone and its our social worker and she says the best news yet I JUST FINISHED YOUR HOMESTUDY!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe my ears could this be true? She could hear the excitement in my voice and started laughing. Since I was already on the computer, she had me open the document and make sure I could get into it. I can't believe it yup there it was the letter I've been longing to see. We talked for alittle while and she verified our cell numbers again (does she know something we don't) just kidding I won't get ahead of myself!! I'm just enjoying this moment and this very big step. So, now we read it over, email her any corrections and she then gives it to the right people. Of course she won't be in tomorrow so we'll drop her an email for Monday.

A funny thing happened today. While many of you know about the luck ladybugs have surrounding China adoptions, well we thought we'd continue thinking these are lucky for Korea as well. My dad came by this morning to pick up the dog for the day before I went to work and as he walked into the house I noticed something on his shirt One ladybug! We brushed it off but I had this feeling that something good would happen today and it did Yahoooooooooooo!!!!
We spilled the beans alittle this weekend too with my family of aunts and uncles and told them the news and after all went home there was one ladybug on the umbrella outside. After we told our parents we found one ladybug on the ceiling the next morning. Are these signs you ask??? We'll take them.

Yahoooooooooooooooo to a great end to a good day!!!!!! This is really starting to feel real and I got all teary eyed when I read the homestudy. We want this so much. One step closer. Here we come baby.


Referrals Arrived

Well, August referrals finally arrived from China!!! They were alittle late coming in this month (I'm sure due to the Olympics) but they came. We were all wondering if they would skip sending out referrals due to their focus being elsewhere. They referred families with an LID up to 1/31/06. That looks like 6 days which is way better than the initial projected 2 days. So that means that Jan 06 has come to a close-it only took like 6 months to get through right? Oh well, the babies posted were beautiful and thats what continues to give us hope. And without hope, what else have we got?

Our social worked for Korea still hasn't contacted us, so I guess the begging didn't work. Oh well, what can you do? We sent out our forms to get re-fingerprinted and get all of our new immigration forms updated. That should be another fun trip to the office with them trying desperately to find good fingerprints on my tiny little hands.


Olympic Fever

Tonight was the opening ceremony for the olympics hosted in Beijing China. Let me just tell you it was FANTASTIC!!!!!! The way they incorporated their culture into a beautiful show was breathtaking. We enjoyed watching and again just felt this indescribable connection to it all. Joe and I got Chinese food and watched the opening ceremonies together. Tears filled my eyes as I watched just thinking how much I long to visit this amazing country and to be entrusted to raise one of their children. Joe was also impressed with what he saw. He was amazed that there were actually people under the blocks that made up the Great Wall. China certainly outdid themselves.


Definately Progress

Well, our dossier made it to our agency and they emailed and said everything looks great!! We are also now on the monthly update list and they sent us last months update and newsletter. As I read it I began to feel very nervous and excited (I think for the first time) and alittle less guarded. This is starting to feel so right. The other night Joe, with all his wisdom, said that he thinks this is the way it was always supposed to be. This is truly our lives path and we're so glad we opened our hearts and minds to listen, because if we hadn't I think we would have missed out on something wonderful.
Yes, we dropped an email to our social worker and gave her the lowdown. She responded with this "Thanks for the update" thats it? Well, we've made peace with this attitude and accept that she's going to write it at her own pace. Oh well, this will give Joe and I more time to spend as a family of 2 before our lives get turned upside down. We received another update that we are preapporved from Holt for Joe's little medical thing (he takes meds for thyroid) Yeah us!!! Any little news like that we'll take.

On another note China has not released any referrals this month as of yet. The Olympics will begin on Friday and the entire community is holding their breath that referrals still come out. We'll see.
As we go through the summer we continue to dream of a summer when we watch two little ones play in the backyard and at the beach. Yes, we can see it in our heads. Someday it will be our reality.