
Updates, Updates, Updates,....and a new Photo!!!!

After all of our worries and finding out that Jaelah wasn't feeling well, on Friday we received a progress report from Jan. And a new photo from last week.....Look at her with her beautiful foster mom and all the gifts we sent!!!!!!! Poor little thing, this picture was taken on Monday when she wasn't feeling well, but we think she still looks BEAUTIFUL!!!! Joe said look even her ponytail looks sick...haha
Just look at that sweetness!!!!!!!!!!! I have stared at this most recent photo for hours and could tell you each and every detail. From her comfy sweater/jacket to the way she's holding the toy that Jae-min picked out for her. And to the little thumb saving a page in the photo album. Love love love it. And now to be able to put a face to the amazing family that is caring for her. I just want to get on a plane and hug them both!!!
If that wasn't great enough, yesterday we also received another progress report dated Feb 11....so just a few days ago. She's weighing in at 18 pds, alittle peanut!!!
She's now taking 3-5 steps independently and enjoyed playing ball. Shes waving, playing pat a cake and peek a boo, and doing Horray. And....she has 4 words Omma (mom) Appa (dad) ahboobah(carry on back) and baba (not sure on that one yet).
She's still described as easygoing and happy and loves loves loves her foster mom. We're preparing for a tough transition!!! But thats a good sign as it shows that one day she'll love us too!!!
I finally feel a sense of peace for the time being. She looks happy and is feeling healthy again. I just can not wait to bring her home!!!!!