
Happy 3rd Family Day!!!

3 years ago today my arms would be empty no more. They would always be filled with this little bundle.....We visited the Holt offices for the last time and were able to take this precious little boy with us, as our son!!!!
I remember that first night like it was yesterday. How he was so happy at first and we were thinking "wow, this is going so well".....until the novelty for him wore off and then all heck broke loose!!!! He cried and sobbed. He woke every 20 minutes all night long as I sat with him on my chest and soothed him with each cry. I remember watching American Idol over and over again (the same episode) as that was the only English speaking channel we got. I remember Joe sleeping in the bed and waking every 20 minutes too just looking at us. I remember Jae-min's smell, his breath, his look of shock. I remember giving him blankie because it smelled like his home in Korea and how it soothed him. And today that is still his blankie.
I remember every second of that night because that's when I became a mother. A mother to this little boy.......
Who is comfortable in his own skin to throw on some fairy wings and a magic wand (haha) and grant me all my wishes....
Little does he know that my wishes came true 3 years ago when I became a mother....HIS mother.
Happy Family Day little man. We love you more today than yesterday, if that is even possible.


And The Door Opened.....

Exactly 3 years ago today a door opened in a faraway land and behind it was a beautiful baby boy....our son.
I will never forget how nervous we were, yet when we layed eyes on this perfect little boy all our nerves melted away....he was perfect!!!!
We had a wonderful meeting with the social worker, Jae-min, and his Omma. We didn't want it to end. Jae-min was a pure joy from the first moment we saw him and pretty much wrapped us around his little finger immediately.
This room was full of such love, such tenderness.....a woman was so kind telling us about our son...and repeating to Jae-min "Omma, Appa" pointing to Joe and I. She had dressed him in a sweater which said "Happy" on it and she described him as "the easiest baby she ever had"
I remember the smells, the sounds, and the feelings of that day so vividly today. Its hard to believe its been 3 years since we first held him, kissed him, and saw that beautiful smile. It would be several days until we could actually take him forever.....but that day will always be etched in my memory.
As we left the Holt offices I remember feeling like we were walking on air, floating. We knew that all our work, the years and heartache led us to the perfect child.

I've been thinking alot about Korea this week....remembering Jae-min's trip and really can't believe all that has changed in just 3 short years. If I had one wish in life it would be to do that trip over again....and I wouldn't change a thing. It was perfect in every way. Missing Korea today and thanking all those that opened that door for us....the door that led us to our little man.