

As you all know Jae-min joined our family through adoption so we didn't get to see some of his "firsts", but we've tried to make up for that since he's been home. We didn't get those little "first" footprints and handprints when he was born to place on his birth certificate and then place on our shirts so.....we made our own!!! We bought a little kit this weekend and had Jae-min press his hand and foot into the clay so that we could always remember how small he was when we met him. Who needs those teeny tiny prints when you can have the chubby ones that hold onto your hand while snuggling? We love our "first" prints even more!!!!
This weekend Jae-min had another "first" that we could be a part of. He had his first haircut from his Auntie!!!! She did a great job and he looks so snazzy and handsome I just can't stand it!! From the back and sides he looks so grown up, but from the front he still looks like my little baby. When he finished getting his haircut (which he did a great job at) I looked at him and my breath was slightly taken away. He's sooo handsome and I just want him to stay a baby alittle longer. I feel like we haven't had enough time, and now he's turning into a little toddler. Give me my baby back!!! haha Let's stop time and stare at his cuteness.
This first picture is the after:

This second picture is the before:

Our last "first" this week has been for Joe. He has started a new job teaching in the electrical department at the local highschool. His first day of school was today and he was a wee bit nervous. It was a big decision to leave his other job, but Jae-min and I are so proud of him and can't wait to go to his school and peek through the windows and whisper "thats our daddy". We'll wait though, we don't want anyone to think we're crazy haha.
So, we celebrate these "firsts" and look forward to many many more in our little family.