
Whatcha Sayin'??

Jae-min is talking tons. I mean tons. So much so that I find myself asking him to zip his lips sometimes throughout the day!!! His new favorite thing is to repeat things over and over. I mean the same word over and over again. Like: Mommy, mommy, mommy, mamma, mamma and then will finally give a sneaky smile and just say "hi". He's putting words together more also which is super. He's also using lots of multisyllable words. It's so funny to hear him use these words because on the first syllable he uses his usual voice, and on the remaining syllables he gets this really deep voice which is too funny. I love being able to have lots of conversations with him throughout the day. It's so fun to hear him answering questions and starting conversations. I especially love to hear it, because when I used to work with EI I worked with so many kids with speech delays and now its fun that my little man talks non stop.
Here are some of my favorite Jae-min words:

moo me=excuse me
mommy bum=mommy come or mommy drum
chit ho=chipmunk hole
juu ba=juice box
good mornin'And the favorite one of all...
Jae-min, do you want a sister or brother to come home from Korea?
Oh boy, we'll see!!!!!