
3 Months....

Today is 3 months in our wait for KB too. This months marker has me feeling alittle strange, alittle weird and empty.So far since beginning all the paperwork this spring, the wait has been totally fine. Sort of non existent actually. But...this 3 months is hitting me kind of hard. I think its because long ago when we waited years in the China line and then switched to Korea, it was this 3 month waiting marker when we actually saw Jae-min's sweet face for the first time. We were then quickly matched with him and 3 short months later he was home. That whole process went so quickly, after so many years of frustrations!!! Now as this 3 months hits I sort of wish we had found our next child already. I sort of wish we could have seen their sweet face and known who they are. I have been wondering all day how long will this wait actually be? The time frame we have been quoted is long, and we don't know if that will actually happen. Our hearts and minds remain open to whatever is to come, so you never know!!!
3 months into the wait is something to celebrate. Although, I'm starting to feel that waiting "ache" in my heart . The "ache" that something is missing. The "ache" that makes this waiting so so hard. So.....wherever and whoever you are little one, we will wait for eternity if we have to. We have living, breathing proof that the wait is so so worth it.