
Two Months Home!!!

Today marks two months since we stepped off the airplane from Korea and welcomed Jae-min home!!! The time has gone by in a flash, unlike when it dragged on and on as we waited. Jae-min is doing well and has changed dramatically in two months. His motor improves daily and it makes me sad to think that if he had received alittle extra help in Korea he wouldn't have to work so hard now. Oh well, the improvements in two months are amazing. He loves a game of peekaboo and claps now in response to Yay. He's very interactive with us and appears to continue to strengthen that attachment every day.
Nightime can be still hit or miss and you just never know what will happen when you place that little cutie into his crib. Sometimes it saddens us when he wakes screaming with his eyes closed. We just think he must still work through some stuff at night. Some nights are great and we don't see his smiling face till morning. You just never know!!!
We still keep all that attachment stuff in the back of our minds constantly which is a bit overwhelming at times. Sometimes we just wish we didn't have to always think about how situations could affect him, but we do, and we know a true attachment will take years to form. We'll continue to look for his cues and clues as to what he needs.
The last two months have been a whirlwind. It has been a HUGE adjustment and some days are still really really hard. We keep telling ourselves that we only have an 8 week old baby at home, as that's what he is to us. So keep us in your thoughts that we're doing little Jae-min proud and that we're being the best parents for him we can be. I'm sure all first time parents feel overwhelmed at times but also feel that pure joy when he lights up with happiness.