
Good Morning Beautiful Seoul!!!!!!

This morning as I woke up waaaayyyy to early (Jae-min and I are suffering from some serious jetlag) I looked outside and realized I was HERE.....in Korea with both of my children!!!!!
The flights went well....Jae-min was an absolute TROOPER. He was up for the first 6 hours then we put on his new digger movie and he fell asleep and slept for 4 hours. He would have kept sleeping if they hadn't turned on the lights for more food. For the next 4 hours he just hung out, snuggled, and then we were landing in Seoul. Whala just like that Haha. And I didn't even have to use my stash of new activities that I spent weeks finding....one for every hour of the plane wasn't even necessary!!!!

We're all doing well, just the jetlag is hitting us. Jae-min woke at 3:30 and I laid on his makeshift bed with him and he finally fell back to sleep till 5:30. Not too bad. We're heading out now to do some sightseeing.
I honestly can't believe we're here.....and meet Jaelah in a matter of days!!!! As Jae-min and I laid on his bed this morning he said "what do you think Yun-jeong's doing today?" I don't know buddy....but soon all those questions will be answered.
And as the bell man brought up our bags he asked Jae-min how old he was. He responded "three, did you know my little sister is coming soon?" I think he REALLY gets the meaning of this trip. To be back in Korea really feels like coming "home".