

November is National Adoption Month....a month to be thankful for adoption, a month to think of those still waiting.  Our family (and many we now know) were so blessed by adoption that November brings us such joy......it makes us pause to think that without the miracle of adoption we would not be a family.
In honor of this special month a video was created to celebrate those that are HOME (as well as those still waiting).  We invite you to visit You tube National Adoption Month 2012 video.....take a little look you just may recognize 2 very familiar faces!!!!

This month take a moment to remember the children who now have a family through this miracle, the families who have grown from this miracle, and all those still waiting who hope to one day be blessed by this miracle. Because without the miracle of adoption our family would not be.  Let's keep those waiting in our prayers that someday soon they too would know the love of a FAMILY!!!!