
Best Buds...

From the moment we entered our home with Jae-min, he and Martin have been best buds...thick as thieves you could say. Marty loves stealing his snacks and kisses, while Jae-min loves throwing him toys and laying with his head on his belly. These two are inseparable and have even begun to get into a little mischief together lately. Each morning Martin joins me in getting Jae-min out of the crib, and if Marty decides to sleep in Jae-min always asks "where's Marsteroni?" to which Martin comes bounding into the room!!!A dog is a boy's best friend....which makes the news we received this past week extra tough. Marty went for a follow up appt for his heart issues and the news was not good. We were shocked to hear that his lungs were again filling with fluid, his heart was huge, and he was on the verge of another heart failure. We thought he was doing well and the doctor was even shocked. They gave us another new med to help with the fluid, but at that visit things became clear to me.....Marty is not getting any better.........the meds are only giving him quality of life, however much he has left. He will continue to get worse until we say enough is enough and then the end will come. We know that now is not that time, he's still the same old Marty on the outside, but his insides are failing. And I have a bad feeling that they're failing fast.
So, how do you explain to a 2.5 year old that their best bud is really really sick when you don't understand it yourself?
And yes, those are Jae-min's jammies on Marty............Can you see now why Marty is such a great buddy to have!!!!!