
Referrals Arrived

Well, August referrals finally arrived from China!!! They were alittle late coming in this month (I'm sure due to the Olympics) but they came. We were all wondering if they would skip sending out referrals due to their focus being elsewhere. They referred families with an LID up to 1/31/06. That looks like 6 days which is way better than the initial projected 2 days. So that means that Jan 06 has come to a close-it only took like 6 months to get through right? Oh well, the babies posted were beautiful and thats what continues to give us hope. And without hope, what else have we got?

Our social worked for Korea still hasn't contacted us, so I guess the begging didn't work. Oh well, what can you do? We sent out our forms to get re-fingerprinted and get all of our new immigration forms updated. That should be another fun trip to the office with them trying desperately to find good fingerprints on my tiny little hands.