
EP APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holey Moley................we got it.
EP APPROVED as of yesterday 4/28.
I cried and haven't stopped shaking since receiving the email. In just one short week our lives and this crazy roller coaster of adoption has changed sooooo dramatically. Last week at this time we found out we had been submitted for EP in early April. And now just one week later we have
We are getting so so close...I can actually see the finish line....and it looks like a beautiful trip to Seoul and meeting our beautiful daughter!!!!

From here on out those wonderful people of Seoul will be working like crazy to finish these last few steps...
1. A travel certificate will be issued for little Miss.
2. She'll make her Embassy Appearance (EA) where her adorable little picture will be taken.
3. She'll have a Visa Physical by a doctor at the Embassy. And depending on his findings we may have to sign a Class B waiver...which may hold up travel for a week at most.
4. She'll have a Visa Interview.
5. All this will be placed in a packet called P3 and sent back to the US
6. Her Visa will be issued and...........................................
7. We'll get the TRAVEL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 4 weeks we could be almost in Korea, heading to Korea, or already in Korea. Can you believe it????????????????????????? I guess Korea in June sounds fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone pinch me..............I just can't believe soon soon soon we'll be meeting our baby girl.