
Our Baby Boy is 1 and Home Three Months!!!!!

Today marks three months home from Korea. Wow, where has the time gone? Jae-min is such a different kid I was looking at pictures from when we brought him home and it really doesn't even look like him anymore. He's getting many more teeth so his smile is changing. He's begun to now pull to stand and is becoming a very fast crawler. He's also making so many different sounds which have a different ring to them. He's begun to imitate everything and will do a bear impression by raising his arms and sort of roaring!!!Today Jae-min also turns 1 years old!!!! Happy Birthday sweet baby boy!!! We had a fun day. Joe took the day off and we opened up some gifts and went to lunch. It was the first time out to lunch and Jae-min did great. Tomorrow we will celebrate his Tol with family and friends!!!!

Today I took some time to think of Jae-min's birth mother and what she must be feeling on this day. As I lay in bed last night I thought about how this time last year she could feel this little baby inside her, and then today her water unexpectedly broke. I wondered if she was scared
at that moment and all the moments after. I wondered what time Jae-min was born, what the weather was like, and if she was alone. I wondered if she remembers what today is and how she's feeling. I also wondered if she can feel just how much this little boy is loved by so many half a world away. I hope her heart has healed and she feels some peace. I also hope she thinks of Jae-min on this special day. We have decided to honor her each year on his birthday just the three of us. Because after all she gave him life and allowed us to share in this most magnificent boy we could ask for. So to her we again say thank you. And during this joyous time please take a moment and think of her and the most difficult decision she had to make. And how out of that difficult decision our family was born!!!!!