
Fun Friday!!!

Today Jae-min and I hit the road for a fun playdate with Ryan and his mom. We met at an indoor play area due to the freezing temperatures outside, and then we went to lunch with our boys. We had a great time. The boys loved playing on all the play structures while we followed them, making sure they were ok. We then hit lunch where us moms got a chance to chat and the boys got a chance to steal each other utensils, food, and anything else not nailed down. We were laughing thinking of the days in the future where Ryan and Jae-min will actually be sitting at lunch talking. They really enjoy each others company and the feeling is mutual with us moms. We love talking about Korea, adoption, parenting, and the stages our boys are at now. We also love talking about run of the mill things too. I feel blessed to have met Ryan's mom and now to be a part of Ryan's life. It's a bond that not too many share, one which we'll cherish and keep strong!!!Our little man getting ready for his playdate with Ryan, or "Ra" as he called him.
The boys at lunch. Jae-min doesn't want to be left out of the fruit that Ryan's mom brought for him. Little did he know that his momma also brought along delicious fruit to accompany lunch!!
We just love these boys!!!!!!