

Is the only word to describe the last week and a half of our lives!!!! To think last week we were in Korea, meeting our son, and now we are home with the most amazing boy ever who is a perfect fit for our family. Jae-min seems to be adjusting so well we are in awe. For two years we read about difficulty with attachment, tantrums, fears, and overall difficulty initially and we haven't experienced any of it yet. We are alittle nervous, sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to start all of the things we were prepared for. As of now he's eating great, laughing, smiling, and yes even sleeping in his crib!!! We have cuddle, bottle time and then put him to bed semi awake and pat his tummy and whala he's asleep. He wakes up "chatting" and singing and when he sees us he smiles from ear to ear. It's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're prepared for some bumps in the road, but hope that his easygoing personality is just shining through.
Jae-min is already doing more developmentally than he was three days ago. Every day I see something new and he's working hard on the skills we're showing him. He's begun to pat our shirt and hold our finger when we give him a bottle which is priceless. The bonding is definately progressing, although we know it's a process. We feel like he bonded to us immediately though.
All in all we couldn't have asked for anything more. When I sit back and think that we were in Korea this time last week it boggles my mind. And when I sit back and marvel at this child who was chosen as our son I am speechless. If you had told me two years ago that all we went through would bring us here, I wouldn't have believed it. Yet now I'm a true believer.
Jae-min is one amazing little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!