
1 Month Down!!!!!!

...waiting for KB!! Today marks one month since we joined the line for a sweet bundle from Korea. Waiting stinks but we have committed ourselves to making the most of it. So, last night we realized this day was approaching so we talked and decided that each month that goes by in our wait we'll mark with a little fun activity to celebrate this journey to KB. So tonight this tradition began. We found a book titled Tell Me Again About The Night I Was Born (after lots of time in Borders). Its a great adoption story for kids. We both loved it and decided it was perfect for tonight. We also have a special about festivals in Korea on our DVR so we plan to watch this too. Tonight we celebrate you, KB!!!!!
Some will probably wonder why we don't celebrate each month's anniversary for Ava. Well, that would just be too depressing!!!! We celebrate her each year on our anniversary of paperwork to China (it looks like we'll have plenty of those to celebrate). I was talking to a "friend" on an adoption group on line and she was complaining about waiting 6 months already for her baby from Korea. Little did she know that we are old pros. Its been 16 months in total for us. Someone recently said that your wait begins the moment God puts these children in your heart and mind. If thats the case we've been waiting far to long!!! Happy 1 month KB How many more to go?