
Passport To Korea....

After finalizing Jae-min's adoption (in Dec) our agency had given us step by step instructions on how to apply for a passport, a birth certificate, and a social security card. It kind of got put on the back burner because this spring we were working hard on getting everything together for KB too, so last month we decided to start the final paperwork for Jae-min. Jae-min's passport arrived this week so he can now officially leave the country, and return. Great news. We haven't decieded yet if Jae-min will be coming to Korea with us to pick up KB too, we have plenty of time to decide, but if he does he's all set. Yahoo. Next stop....new birth certificate!!!
We've also been having a craving for some Korean food in this house!!! It had been too long since we had some great Korean food, so yesterday we decided to take Jae-min to our local Korean restaurant for the first time. He LOVED it. Tried everything and even liked the Kimchi. But...on the way out asked the owner for a "hamburger". Yup, alittle embarassing!!!!
I always get alittle nervous entering the Korean community as I never know what they feel about a Caucasian couple raising a Korean child. But... in true wonderful Korean fashion every person was so sweet and welcoming. It just solidified more why we love this culture. We had one nice man even approach our table and talk with Jae-min. He called him "happy boy"(we've heard that lots before) and just light up. Then he decided to give Jae-min a scoop of ice cream....which surprised us and totally knocked us off our seats. I don't know why though because this is how the people in Korea were too....so friendly and awesome. This would have been a sweet gesture except for the fact that Jae-min CAN'T HAVE ICE CREAM....it gives him big belly bugs. So this sweet man gave Jae-min one very long afternoon of belly aching and no nap. Oh well, take the good with the bad!!!!
A delicious meal makes us miss Korea that much more. We can't wait to go back and hope to take Jae-min there to experience it all for himself!!!!