
Greetings From Korea!!!!!!!!

We made it!!! We're in Korea!!!!!! It all still feels so surreal but we are here. The flights went well, just really really long. After about 10 hours I started to get antsy and feel alittle panicky. But it took 10 hours which I thought was pretty good. I listened to Joe's ipod filled with my adoption songs and calmed right down. We basically dozed on and off and prayed the time would go fast and whala, here we are. We're exhausted as we haven't slept in 24 hours but we'll make it through. Korea, its people are amazing. We encountered culture shock right on the plane when just about everyone was Korean and speaking in Korean. Oh well. The ladies were gorgeous and so helpful. We're alittle panicky about bringing Jae-min home on the same flight as the seating isn't as big as we thought and we only got him a lap ticket. Oh well, we shall see. Two more days till we meet the little man. My eyes welled up as we took off from Boston today and again when we landed in Korea. To know we are here, in his homeland, seeing all these beautiful sites and expereincing all these amazing people is priceless. And to know after all this time here we are. We are in love with Korea because it is part of Jae-min!!!!!!!! Good night from Seoul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!