
Happy New Year....The Year Of The Tiger!!!!!!

We celebrated the Lunar New Year yesterday at home. Korea celebrated the new year or Seollal this past weekend, where they travel to visit family. It is a very big holiday in Korea and we wanted to incorporate it into Jae-min's life in America. We dressed him in his hanbok (which fit so nicely this time) as this is traditionally what children would wear on this day in Korea. We also gave him a dollar to put in his satchel. Money and fruit are given to the male children. He enjoyed waving his Korean flag and looked pretty proud of his culture!!! We made Bulgogi for dinner which Jae-min totally enjoyed. What a fun Seollal we had. Oh, this little boy steals my heart each and every day!!!
I'm Korean American and proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We plan to go to a Lunar New Year festival the last weekend in February where Jae-min can experience Korean food and activities. We can't wait to go!!

We've been enjoying family time as daddy has this week off of work for school vacation. One of the benefits of his new job!!!
A Happy New Year smooch for momma. Oh, I just love this boy!!!!!
Happy Year Of The Tiger. May all your wishes come true this year. We've made some wishes and fingers crossed that they come true.
The last year was pretty full of wishes coming true, wasn't it?