
We Are Thankful

As Thanksgiving approaches we thought it was a good time to put things into perspective and to be thankful for all that we have (which we know is alot). We are blessed with so much its sometimes easy to overlook what's right in front of you. So, tonight we are thankful for:
1. Each other. We continue to be 2 peas in a pod, happy. There is no one in this world I would rather be on this journey with.
2. Our family and friends. All the support and your health as well as our own. Stay healthy everyone so we can all enjoy KB and Ava together.
3. This journey to our children. We are thankful we had the courage to listen to our hearts and follow them. Even though this journey is tough at times, we're thankful for our spots in two lines. We have learned so much about our selves and each other and we look forward to discovering even more.
4. And lastly, a birthmother who will be so courageous in making an adoption plan. We only hope we make her proud.

At the Thanksgiving table we will bring KB and Ava in our hearts. You won't be able to see them, but if you try real hard I bet you'll be able to feel them. We can.