
What Do You Get?.....*Update Added About Marty..

When you add together....
3 straight days of rain,
1 dog on the mend from heart failure,
and 1 sick little two year old?
One stir crazed, very tired mamma. Phew...its been a LONG couple of days. The rain has been falling, the dog needs his meds and then in turn to go to the bathroom 100 times a day in that pouring rain. The child needs to run around but can't because of that said pouring rain!!! To top it all off Jae-min's little runny nose went directly into his chest and now he's back on his nebulizer to help with the wheezing and coughing.
So...like any "good" mamma, we've been making the most of this situation. I think all of my teacher tricks have been used up so today we decided to dump out his sock basket and outfit all of his "stuffed friends" with new pairs of socks!!!!

Everyone needs a nice new dry pair of socks in the pouring rain, don't they? Here's to hoping for sunny, breathing better days ahead!!!!!
*Update: Marty had his heart test today (Thurs) and let me tell you he was a trooper. He laid so still and let them do what they needed to do. Just one more reason why I love him so!!! The news was...um...not as positive as we'd like. The doctor was super nice and gave me lots of mumble jumble about hearts and stuff (which I understand in my head, just can't share it out loud) The jist is....Marty's condition is degenerative, meaning it will never get better, only worse. The meds will hopefully slow it down, but won't cure it. He laid it out pretty honestly and told me that most dogs only live 1 year....could be longer, could be shorter. That was alittle gut wrenching to hear. 1 year...wow. He gave me lots of symptoms to look for...I hope I don't see any of them for a long time.
Tonight my heart just hurts for Marty. I feel like he's a bit of a ticking time bomb. Tonight when Jae-min shared his blankie with Marty tears streamed down my face!!! I just wonder how we will ever say goodbye when its time? For now, we'll enjoy our Martin. We love you buddy.