
"B" Is For Blankie!!!!!

Jae-min has recently become very attached to his blankies. Or as he often refers to them "2 bllllAnkies"!!! It's really cool as the dog headed blankie is the one we sent him in his care package when he was still in Korea. His foster mom sent it home with him and I remember the first night in the hotel getting that blankie out to try to console a very grieving child. The minute he smelled the familiar smell and touched the familiar ears, he would calm down. We held that little dog blankie close all night and every night since then. I love how the ears are now worn because he loves to rub them. I love how we have pictures of us with this blankie before he came home, and how we have pictures of him and his omma with this same blankie. This special blankie traveled halfway around the world twice and it is loved loved loved!!!!
His second loved blankie is the soft green one I knitted for him with lots of love. He's often seen dragging it around the house with the dog blankie too. Soooo 2 blankies!!!! This one was also filled with so much love. Every stitch brought us closer to bringing Jae-min home and it was my saving grace while waiting for him. To see him snuggle up with this makes my heart melt. To know the agony of some of those days before he arrived and then seeing him smiling with that special blanket is pricelss.So, when we were official for KB too I knew I wanted to knit another special blankie. I had wanted to wait to see if it was a boy or girl to get the appropriate color yarn, but the yarn store in town is going out of business and was having a big sale sooooo...... I ended up picking up the yarn.....a very neutral yellow and then will edge it in a gender specific color. I'm actually excited to start this blankie and hope our next little one loves it!!!

I just finished this project (I know another blanket) which was intended for a friend but may now just hang out in the closet waiting for our special little someone. We'll see.

I love that Jae-min loves his blankies. I love that I could make it for him and his sibling. I love that we could pick out something for our little one without even knowing them yet, and they fall in love with it. I guess I just love my little man (and our next little one that I hold in my heart).