
Day Two....Monday

We awoke this morning a little later than yesterday but still waaaay to early Haha, and decided to go to the Holt reception center to play with the babies housed there. Jae-min decided to get his groove on in the subway station store while we bought some apple juice!!! The guys decided they needed coffee so I decided to walk down the street because it looked very familiar. And sure enough as I held Jae-min's hand we happened upon Holt. It was closed today due to a holiday but we looked in the windows and I began explaining to Jae-min what this building means. And then it happened.....right there on the streets of Seoul this crazy American mommy was overcome with emotion as she held the hand of her little Korean son.

You see this building is where we are matched with our children. Where every t is crossed and i dotted to bring them home, where we meet them for the first time, and then say goodbye to their omma. Where dreams and heartbreak are all rolled into one. I stood on that sidewalk and was transformed back 2 years, looking at the exact spot where Jae-min's omma stroked my face and he became ours forever!!!!!

The enormity of it all hit me on this sidewalk, standing in front of a closed building, watching the little boy who once was so frightened holding my hand. I couldn't stop the tears.

And to think that in a few short days we'll be heading there again to meet our daughter and have those same experiences was almost too much to handle. I'm so thankful to have the quiet time to just reflect on all that was and all thats to come.....this one little building holds so so much of our family in its tiny walls.

After standing on the sidewalk, we found the reception center and got to play with the babies. It was so much fun, two babies stole our hearts. A little girl melted me and I vowed in that moment to come back when the kids are older to do some EI work as a dev specialist to help these babies out.
Next we headed to a palace where we strolled the grounds and enjoyed the weather.

It was beautiful, then off to lunch.

We took a nice long nap then Jae-min hit the playground again, had some dinner, played in the room and off to bed.

The enormity of whats to come has hit me...seeing Holt and the babies puts it front and center. And the emotions have begun to surface!!!!!