
New WBC!!!!

I opened my email today to find a new well baby check for sweet Yun-jeong!!! She's doing great
~weighing 20pds and is 29 inches tall.
~has 4 teeth on top, 4 teeth on bottom.
~able to stack several blocks and use a pincer grasp for small objects.
~plays social games (pat a cake, waving)
~drinks from cup and bottle
~has more words....omma, appa, baba, and now mama (which means food/eat in Korean) and she uses them specifically.
~Can now walk alone!!!!!
~And throw and kick a ball!!! Wow our little princess is going to be a sports star haha
She's assessing right at age level...14 months!!!

These reports are always bitter sweet. It provides comfort to know that she's doing so well and thriving, yet makes me cry every time I read one to realize all we are missing. She's growing up very fast....ah I just need her home!!!

On a big brother note....our little man has been very very sick. Last week we went to the doctors and he was having a severe asthma attack. He was put on his neb every 4 hrs with an added oral steriod. They wanted to see him again yesterday and discovered that now he has bronchitis. They gave him an antibiotic and want to see him again tomorrow. With all this sickness has come absolutely NO sleep (naps and night) because of the coughing. Which makes for one cranky, clingy, whiny, non eating, glued to the hip mamma's boy. My poor poor baby boy. It's so sad to see him soooo sick. Although during the last few days he wants to hold my hand and tell me "momma I love you sooo much" over and over again. Gosh, I love this boy!!! Wish he was feeling better, but I am loving all the snuggle time with my sweet boy.
So....looks like we've got one sick little one on this side of the world....and one healthy little one on the other side of the world. This mamma's heart can't take much more.