
A Christmas To Remember!!!

Today was a magical day. From watching Jae-min (and Martin) walk down the hall to see what Santa brought them, to the frequent giggles and smiles, this day was one to always remember. I realized today what has been missing from Christmas' in the past. He's little, adorable, and oh so fun. Jae-min is what this holiday is all about. I have always had wonderful Christmas', but never one like this. This will be one I'll always remember!!!Jae-min's shirt says Mom's favorite Gift. I think that about sums it up!!!
We just love this little guy!!
Jae-min loved all his presents he got this season. Look out everyone, I think we have a crazy shopper on our hands!!
Thank you Santa!!! I love my diggers and trucks!!!
A very Merry Christmas to you all. Joe and I have waited for a Christmas like this one for a long time and it surely didn't disappoint. We loved every minute of it!!!


He's Officially Ours!!!

Today was a joyous day, a day to celebrate!! Today Jae-min Francis officially became our son in the eyes of the law. Today we finalized Jae-min's adoption. I guess that happy little face describes just how we were feeling today too.This adoption journey has come to an end. It's hard to believe that after 2.5 years of hopes, dreams, disappointments, worries, and even a slight path change, the roller coaster has ended. As I rocked Jae-min before bed tonight I thought alot about the last 2.5 years. How there were so many times we wanted to give up. How the disappointment felt when we realized how slowly referrals from China were going. How we then listened to our hearts being led in a different direction, Korea. How we "took a chance" on our little man because of his prematurity. How it felt to get that travel call. How it felt to hold our son for the first time, and to see his sweet face. Yes, all that we have been through was all rolled into one today when we watched Jae-min walk around the courtroom interacting with all of our family (and now his too) as well as his friend from Korea. Each step we took culminated today when that judge said his name Jae-min Francis and then signed that final paper. That's it. We stepped off the ride today and are so happy with how it ended. Jae-min is ours now and forever.
I would never have imagined the path our lives would have taken. Yet, this is the path we were meant to be on.
Forever, officially our son. Jae-min Francis!!!!!


Snow Much Fun!!!

Our area had a big snowstorm overnight, and when we woke up this morning it was like a winter wonderland. Lots and lots of snow. So, what do two new parents do with a huge snowstorm? We dress our little man like a marshmellow so he can't even move and then we throw him into a snowbank of course!!!!We then buckle him into his sled and slide him down the driveway!!!!
He had so much fun trying to walk in all his gear, sledding, and being pulled in the sled around the neighborhood. He's always such a trooper, never complaining and always enjoying new experiences. When he first touched the snow he giggled and said "COO" (cold). Then pretty much giggled until his cheeks were pink and freezing!!!

I realized I had never put a post up about decorating our tree so here he is hanging his new Elmo ornament up. The trees been up for a few weeks and Jae-min's done so well with it. He just mostly looks at it but doesn't really touch it or get into any mischief with it. He's such a good little boy. We got so lucky with that one!!!!


9 Months Home!!!!!

Today marks 9 months since we met Jae-min. I have thought alot today about this pivotal number...9 months. The same amount of time that Jae-min spent in his birth country. The same amount of time a typical pregnancy lasts, yet in Jae-min's case he was with his birth mother for a shorter amount of time due to his early arrival. It saddens me slightly to think that from this day forward Jae-min will know his new life longer. He will always have those previous 9 months with his birth mother as well as with his birth country, but will never move past that number....9 months. I continue to thank God every day for these last nine months, but never want to forget the nine months before. They made Jae-min into who he is today and I am grateful for those 9 months.
Today we celebrated by picking out our Christmas tree as a family of 3 and then meeting Elmo. Yup, Jae-min met Elmo!!! He was in complete awe and loved loved loved him.

Just look at those eyes staring up at ELMO. I think he was thinking wow, is that really you?
Jae-min gave a big cheer when Elmo walked in the door. I think Elmo found his number 1 fan.

Which tree are we picking mom because its cold out here?
Happy 9 months sweet baby boy. We will always remember where you came from and the people who loved you for the first 9 months!!!!


An Early Gift

Today we received an early Christmas gift, one that we have longed for and dreamed about. Today we spoke to the lawyer who is handling our finalization and we have a court date of Dec 22nd. That's right, in a few short weeks Jae-min will be officially ours. We will finally step off this adoption roller coaster and just live our lives like other normal families. There will be no more worries related to paperwork, timelines, home visits. There will just be us as a family. This day means so much to us as its the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another. We know that Jae-min is already our son, but it will be nice for the courts to acknowledge it too.
We've come a long long way. But to finally be at the finish line is unbelievable!!!Do you think these two are on the lookout for Santa or what?


One Year Ago Today.....

we received the call that would change our lives forever....we had a son!!! I will never forget that day, being at work and getting into my car from a client's house seeing I had 2 messages. One from our social worker and one from Joe. I called Joe and pulled to the side of the road. He told me we had a son. I kept asking if he was sure and he kept saying yes. I don't know how we did it, but we finished out our workdays and then celebrated when we got home. The feelings of disbelief after years of waiting, the feelings of pure shock that Jae-min was matched with us!!! It was a whirlwind 3 months until our travel call. Updated photos and baby checks were our lifeline to our boy during that time.
To say that day was magical is an understatement. There are no words to describe it!!! One year later, we decorated the house tonight with Christmas decorations. We had a little helper this year. Last year we knew him in photos, but this year we could snuggle him and hear his sweet little laugh. The year has flown by and so much has changed. Looking back we know we wouldn't ever change a thing. All the heartache was so worth it!!!Jae-min's first time fingerpainting. He loved it!!
This is the first picture we ever saw of Jae-min. This is where I fell in love. From this picture I could tell he was a sweet angel and he was ours. We had to wait for the doctors opinions because he was such an early preemie, but secretly I knew!!! He was our son!!!