
He's Officially Ours!!!

Today was a joyous day, a day to celebrate!! Today Jae-min Francis officially became our son in the eyes of the law. Today we finalized Jae-min's adoption. I guess that happy little face describes just how we were feeling today too.This adoption journey has come to an end. It's hard to believe that after 2.5 years of hopes, dreams, disappointments, worries, and even a slight path change, the roller coaster has ended. As I rocked Jae-min before bed tonight I thought alot about the last 2.5 years. How there were so many times we wanted to give up. How the disappointment felt when we realized how slowly referrals from China were going. How we then listened to our hearts being led in a different direction, Korea. How we "took a chance" on our little man because of his prematurity. How it felt to get that travel call. How it felt to hold our son for the first time, and to see his sweet face. Yes, all that we have been through was all rolled into one today when we watched Jae-min walk around the courtroom interacting with all of our family (and now his too) as well as his friend from Korea. Each step we took culminated today when that judge said his name Jae-min Francis and then signed that final paper. That's it. We stepped off the ride today and are so happy with how it ended. Jae-min is ours now and forever.
I would never have imagined the path our lives would have taken. Yet, this is the path we were meant to be on.
Forever, officially our son. Jae-min Francis!!!!!