
You Know You've Waited Too Long When........

*you check your email 1,000 times a day.....and still there's nothin"
*you keep your phone in your pocket and check it repeatedly just to make sure its on
*you put Martin's medicine in the FREEZER rather than the cabinet!!!! Yup
*you have little piles all over the house...little piles of stuff to take....stuff to take....stuff to take
*you have lists galore and make more lists to find the original lists
*you double check in the rearview mirror that little Man is buckled....don't worry he is...each and every time.
*sometimes you can't breathe just thinking about what's to come.
*sometimes your eyes well up thinking about holding a baby you've never met.
*and sometimes you sit in a candlelit room, by yourself, when the house is quiet, and rock in a chair with empty arms. You look around and can see HER laying in her crib, spinning in her dresses, and laughing.
*sometimes you just feel like your losing your mind from the longing, nerves, excitement, and anxiety.

Today we received Yun-jeong's Class B waiver. This is generated by the Visa Physical she had last week. Some things were noted by the doctor, and they just want to make sure that we are aware of these "needs". Well, of course we are....but her Visa will not be issued until we send back this form. So in all of 2 hours we had that thing signed, notorized, and overnighted back to our agency. They will send it to Korea on Friday.
This form will be added to many other forms and make up P3(packet 3)which will be sent from Holt to the Embassy. After the Embassy receives this packet they will schedule her for a Visa Interview....................then her Visa will be issued and we get TRAVEL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We received a copy of her physical and in the upper left corner was her sweet little face.....taken at her Embassy Appearance. This picture will be used on her Visa. Oh, and looking at her sweet face makes the waiting so much harder.

Please say a prayer that we can make it through the last portion of this wait. Its getting very, very, very HARD!!!!