
Happy Valentine's Day

We had a fun weekend celebrating this day of love. We went to a hotel and to watch the tour of Dancing With The Stars. Yes, I know that Joe must love me very much to take me to this show. Believe us he has been getting made fun of for weeks. But come on, all the girls in cute little numbers wasn't half bad either. Seriously, he's great and I know I'm very lucky. I count my lucky stars everyday.
I look so forward to watching Joe fall in love with his daughter that it makes my heart skip a beat. If he treats her half as well as he treats me, she's one lucky girl!!!!

Knitting, Knitting, and more Knitting

We continue to knit our little hearts out to finish those mittens. We have begun to talk to the others at the class and it was brought up about my adoption(from the proud expectant grandma) and everyone was so interested. They asked alot of questions and then of course the teacher showed me many patterns for sweaters, hats, booties, and anything baby cute. I hope to accomplish some stuff during the wait.

February 2008

Updates arrived. The cutoff is now 12/27/05, 8 days. Well thats better than before and inching our way along. Our agency didn't have any referrals this time which is always heartbreaking.

Superbowl Sunday

This year is an exciting one with our team playing against New York. We enter this game with an undefeated season. Go Pats.
We went to Joe's sisters house for a little party. It was a closer game than we thought and uhoh we kept missing balls and getting knocked over, and WE LOST. Well, that was unexpected.
Tonight at the party our niece M who is so excited about her baby cousin joining the family colored us a football in the color red. She told me that she used this color because thats the color of China and thats where my baby is. Its heartwarming how a 5 year old can open her heart and accept something with such joy and no questions. We should all take lessons from the children in our lives, they definately could teach us alot.

Snow storms

Snow, snow, and more snow is falling in China. Record amounts of snowfall are falling and there are reports of establishments with no heat, water, electricity, and food. People are stranded and its definately a dangerous situation. We hope all the children waiting for their forever families are safe and warm. We pray that their nannies and caregivers are safe and can make it safely to care for these children. We pray for all the people of China. This is where our hearts are.
I have always loved snow. I know when there's so much of it it can be dangerous. But, just imagine how beautiful China must look under a blanket of freshly fallen snow!!!

A new hobby

Well, with this long wait I have decided to take up a new hobby that I've always wanted to try. My mom and I have begun a knitting class once a week. Our first project is a pair of mittens. Joe was making fun of me for taking the class saying that I would be in a room full of older folks and it's actually just the opposite. The others are slightly older than me and we've been having fun. I guess all of the older folks already know how to knit!!! Joe won't be making fun when he has nice sweaters and hats to wear (when hes 90 the way I'm knitting right now)haha.
My mom, who also crochets, has decided to conduct a waiting project of her own. She has decided to knit hats for the children of the orphanages. This is so kind and will definately keep her busy. I plan to tackle a security blanket pattern with really nice yarn when this class is over. Wish me luck.

January 2008

Our monthly update arrived and it's still looking pretty bleak. Only 5 days were matched this month and they have only matched children with families who were logged in until 12/19/05. Yeah, thats right!! I said 2005. Ugh. I have been referring to this slow progress as moving at a snails pace, but now I think the snail has decided to go on vacation and rest. Maybe a little scoot from me will get it moving again. If I could find it believe me I would give it the biggest scoot and move it along its way. Congrats to all those seeing their babies faces for the first time. We dream of that moment and hope someday it will come.