
The Back Seat Driver!!!

Whether its a long ride or a short trip around town, there's one thing for sure....you will always have a back seat driver!!!! Jae-min has decided to take it upon himself to keep traffic safety and back seat driving his #1 priority. Here's some of his lessons for you...
*When your approaching one of those red octagon signs you'll hear "stop sign" from the back. Don't dare roll through it because it will be followed by "mommy STOP SIGN"!!
*He now looks out every window in the car and give his commentary of what he sees. If its something he likes he'll keep repeating "more...., (usually more digger)" He'll then say "keep my eyes open". I guess that was my answer for a long time Just keep your eyes open, maybe you'll see more.
*Don't dare take one hand off the wheel. You'll hear "mommy two hands" yup not kidding
*You may also hear "music up, dance" which will be followed by him doing the mashed potatoe in his car seat.
*He is aware of all the streets around town and what is down these streets. If he wants to go a certain way and your not, he'll say "no, this way...that way". When we approach certain streets he'll exclaim "playground, library, even if that's not where we're heading.
*He's also been known to try to negotiate some air circulation "window down please. Just alittle" So...if you're the one driving make sure you follow all those traffic rules. Because there's little eyes watching!!!
Ok, alittle funny story...
Yesterday morning after getting Jae-min dressed I asked him to put his jammies in the laundry. He looked at me very seriously, scrunched up his little nose, tilted his little head and said....
"No way, maybe next time"
Not kidding. When did he get to be a 16 yr old with an attitude? But gosh, it was really really cute Haha