

Today we attended the Lunar New Year Festival in our area. We met up with Allie and Ryan and their families and had a great day. The kids loved watching the Korean dancers and drummers. They really loved running around, jumping in a little bouncy house, and eating Korean food. We all felt so at home and just love this culture and its people!!! It was so fun to share it with two families who have gone through the same experiences as us. The three amigos were united again, and boy did they have a great time!!!!!!!Jae=min was so interested in the dancers. He danced and pretended to play a drum. Do you think it was the music or the beautiful girls?
If you have traveled to Korea and flown on Korean Air you know of a food which is a little warm bun filled with meat. Well, Joe loved these little creations and has honestly talked about them since we've been home. As we were deciding what to eat today I thought Joe had won the lottery. He found these tasty little buns and his day was complete. The funny part is that Allie and Ryan's moms felt the same way. I think the three of them squealed at the same time!!!! Just one more thing we have in common.
A great day spent with great friends. It reminded us how much we truly love Korea!!!!


Happy New Year....The Year Of The Tiger!!!!!!

We celebrated the Lunar New Year yesterday at home. Korea celebrated the new year or Seollal this past weekend, where they travel to visit family. It is a very big holiday in Korea and we wanted to incorporate it into Jae-min's life in America. We dressed him in his hanbok (which fit so nicely this time) as this is traditionally what children would wear on this day in Korea. We also gave him a dollar to put in his satchel. Money and fruit are given to the male children. He enjoyed waving his Korean flag and looked pretty proud of his culture!!! We made Bulgogi for dinner which Jae-min totally enjoyed. What a fun Seollal we had. Oh, this little boy steals my heart each and every day!!!
I'm Korean American and proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We plan to go to a Lunar New Year festival the last weekend in February where Jae-min can experience Korean food and activities. We can't wait to go!!

We've been enjoying family time as daddy has this week off of work for school vacation. One of the benefits of his new job!!!
A Happy New Year smooch for momma. Oh, I just love this boy!!!!!
Happy Year Of The Tiger. May all your wishes come true this year. We've made some wishes and fingers crossed that they come true.
The last year was pretty full of wishes coming true, wasn't it?


11 Months Home!!!!

Ta dah its me, Jae-min!!! Mommy was talking to me today about how I've been home for 11 months so I thought it was about time that I give you my version. So, here goes....I'm having lots of fun and love to get into lots of "mischief". That's what mommy calls it, but I just call it fun. I love helping around the house by wiping down the table, floor, and chairs and by also emptying all the drawers of their contents. Somehow everything always gets put back in the drawers. Its amazing, I'm not sure how that happens. I also love pointing out what mamma calls yucka on the floor, but I like to call it "caca". Mommy gets all embarrassed when I do this at other people's houses and the doctors office or the library, but ,whatever, there shouldn't be caca on the floor, right?

I've noticed that mommy sometimes is just staring at me with this goofy look on her face. So when I see this look I flash her my pearly whites and wave. That just seems to make the goofy look even worse. I also have a new trick to melt her heart. Out of the blue I will walk over and plant a wet, sloppy kiss right on her lips!!! Oh my the reactiion I get after that. There's lots of hugging and squeling and a smile from ear to ear. However I can make her day. Boy, little things sure do make her happy.

I love going to the dump with daddy and Martin (and sometimes Grampy). It's just us boys and its so much fun!!! I love stopping for a munchkin on the way home. Don't tell mommy. I don't think the left over donought on my face has given it away yet.

Martin, my four legged brother, or as I call him "brabra" is so much fun. I love playing with him and sneaking him food from the table. What's the big deal? Mommy tells me not to terrorize him when I grab his feet or chase him around the kitchen island with the collander. That's not terrorizing its just plain fun!!!

Ok, ok, so I've tried some tactics to get away with some things but my tactics haven't worked. These two really follow through with what they say and really don't let me get away with anything. I tried some tantrums which they completely ignored. I even tried a boo boo lip and some tears which didn't even affect mommy. Whining definately doesn't work. Yikes, I'm still working on getting my own way so stayed tuned. Yet, when I cry at night they still come to comfort me. That makes me feel so safe and I love them for it.

Lastly I'll weigh in on two embarrassing things about me. I'm alittle (ok alot) sensitive but don't tell all my lady friends. Mommy always says I'm a sweet boy. I guess thats a good thing. And, I drool alot. I think with all my teeth being in I may stop that little embarrassing habit for now. Mommy wants to see my cute shirts not my bibs so I'll try to keep that drool in my mouth. Little do they know I'm working on my 2 year molars. Hahaha

I've had an amazing 11 months. Gotta go get into some mischief now!!!!


If You Have A Toddler....

Always remember to close the bathroom door!!!!We've had a bit of cabin fever lately with all this sickness so Jae-min decided to find some fun for himself!!! Oooh toilet paper!!!!
What's the matter mamma? You don't like my redecorating?
Jae-min was very helpful in cleaning up the mess. Well, if you call wrapping himself up like a present and ripping the toilet paper into tiny shreds helpful.
Our silly silly boy!!!!


A Cry.....

A cry can mean alot of things. It can indicate hunger, thirst, sadness, frustration, tiredness, or an I just want you feeling. A cry can be both a whimper and a gut wrenching, heart tugging sound. A cry from a little boy who never really cries pulled this momma's heart right out of her chest. That cry like something really bad was happening is such an unfamiliar sound with Jae-min that it gave me anxiety and fear. Our little man was crying, not just whimpering. He was sick and something was terribly wrong. Come to find out our little man has pneumonia. The cries haven't stopped but they have subsided some. He is slowly on the mend, thank goodness.
Through this experience I have learned that when your usually happy child continues to let out those gut wrenching cries its ok to cry along with him!!!My week has been filled with snots, coughs, snuggles, books, more snuggles, and a little man who needs his momma. The weirdest part of all is that I wouldn't want it any other way.