
4 Years......

It was a freezing cold Tuesday morning....a day which started like any other.  I was driving around all day for work, from one client to another.  I pulled into the snowy, icy driveway of a little boy with pretty significant needs and while I worked with him I had no idea how my life was changing.  You see when I returned to my car I had missed messages.....lots of missed messages......from our social worker, from Joe, from our social worker, from Joe etc.   All of which were trying to share this news.............CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE A SON!!!!!!!!!!!!  In that driveway, on the side of the road in a nearby town, I became a mother to this little baby boy.......................
I will never forget that feeling.  The way my heart was racing, my hands were shaking, and the tears were streaming down my face.  I will never forget thinking "this is what I had waited for" and despite my location, despite having missed the news firsthand, despite all the "imperfections" in the call....it was perfect.....because in the end on that Tuesday morning in a town not my own, in a car on the side of the road I became a MOTHER in every sense of the word.  He became mine as it was always destined to be!!!!!
And now 4 years later I marvel at this little boy.  To think how truly blessed I am to be his mother.  To think how God pulled some strings and made this little 27 week preemie, weighing 2.5 pounds at birth, my son.  To think how one little phone call can change EVERYTHING!!!!!!
I had waited years for that phone to ring..............and it was so so so much better than I ever could have imagined!!!!