
A New Mode Of Transportation And A Few Appointments

We bought this bike trailer to hook to the back of Joe's bike so that the boys can go for a ride together!!! They have been enjoying riding and Jae-min just loves anything that moves, so this trailer is just up his alley. Don't worry, he has a helmet, just wasn't wearing it in this picture!!!!Our 2nd post placement visit with our social worker went well. She thought Jae-min was doing great and that in return we were doing a great job. We talked at length about alot of stuff and she kept reassuring us that we're doing exactly what we should be doing and parenting Jae-min terrifically.
We also visited an international pediatrician last week. She had reviewed his file so it was fun for her to see him in real life. She thought he looked great for arriving so early into this world. She thought his development at this point is on track. We will visit with her again after the new year just to make sure everything continues to go well developmentally. We also talked alot about attachment, bonding, and my worries and fears for Jae-min. She also reassured us that she saw no red flags with the attachment stuff and thinks he's bonding well. We talked how its a continuous process and to keep doing the things we're doing. We also talked about how much I worry about him and hover around him. She thinks thats wonderful and encouraged us to continue to be there for him whenever he needs or wants us. We talked about sleeping and again we're doing what we should be doing here too. No letting him cry it out and tending to each need to continue to build that trust.
We felt better when we left these appointments as we got reassurance that we're on the right track and parenting Jae-min as he needs to be. So, we'll continue to do what we're doing because I guess its working!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo