
Full Circle!!!

Last night we attended a very special party. As you may remember, when we were waiting for Jae-min to come home we joined our agencies waiting family support group which met once a month. This is where we met the families of Allie and Ryan, both adopted from Korea and now our families remain friends and we love to get together. But, I digress.... Last night our agency decided to host a reunion party since now everyone has their babies home!!! There were about 25 families there and the room that once held such heartache and sorrow over the long wait was filled with laughter, smiles, hugs, and joy!!! There were children home from China, Korea, Ethiopia, and Guatemala. Looking around the room was amazing. Every family that we had met in this group had their child home!!! What a feeling. We had fun catching up with everyone and they were excited to see how well Jae-min is doing. We also had fun visiting with Allie and Ryan and their families. Its always a good time to talk to others who totally get what you went through. 'And Jae-min decided to look dapper in hopes of catching Allie's eye...haha
The funny news was that out of 25 families, we're the only family currently in process again. Hmm, do they know something we don't know?
Unfortunately they have stopped this group so we won't be able to join as we wait for KB too. That saddens me as we would love to meet up with others this time around.
It was an awesome night full of hope.....a night to finally fill the circle!!
*I did not post any pics of the other children as I did not get permission from their families to do so....but let me tell you that was a room full of cuties, very special children*


The Back Seat Driver!!!

Whether its a long ride or a short trip around town, there's one thing for sure....you will always have a back seat driver!!!! Jae-min has decided to take it upon himself to keep traffic safety and back seat driving his #1 priority. Here's some of his lessons for you...
*When your approaching one of those red octagon signs you'll hear "stop sign" from the back. Don't dare roll through it because it will be followed by "mommy STOP SIGN"!!
*He now looks out every window in the car and give his commentary of what he sees. If its something he likes he'll keep repeating "more...., (usually more digger)" He'll then say "keep my eyes open". I guess that was my answer for a long time Just keep your eyes open, maybe you'll see more.
*Don't dare take one hand off the wheel. You'll hear "mommy two hands" yup not kidding
*You may also hear "music up, dance" which will be followed by him doing the mashed potatoe in his car seat.
*He is aware of all the streets around town and what is down these streets. If he wants to go a certain way and your not, he'll say "no, this way...that way". When we approach certain streets he'll exclaim "playground, library, even if that's not where we're heading.
*He's also been known to try to negotiate some air circulation "window down please. Just alittle" So...if you're the one driving make sure you follow all those traffic rules. Because there's little eyes watching!!!
Ok, alittle funny story...
Yesterday morning after getting Jae-min dressed I asked him to put his jammies in the laundry. He looked at me very seriously, scrunched up his little nose, tilted his little head and said....
"No way, maybe next time"
Not kidding. When did he get to be a 16 yr old with an attitude? But gosh, it was really really cute Haha


3 Months....

Today is 3 months in our wait for KB too. This months marker has me feeling alittle strange, alittle weird and empty.So far since beginning all the paperwork this spring, the wait has been totally fine. Sort of non existent actually. But...this 3 months is hitting me kind of hard. I think its because long ago when we waited years in the China line and then switched to Korea, it was this 3 month waiting marker when we actually saw Jae-min's sweet face for the first time. We were then quickly matched with him and 3 short months later he was home. That whole process went so quickly, after so many years of frustrations!!! Now as this 3 months hits I sort of wish we had found our next child already. I sort of wish we could have seen their sweet face and known who they are. I have been wondering all day how long will this wait actually be? The time frame we have been quoted is long, and we don't know if that will actually happen. Our hearts and minds remain open to whatever is to come, so you never know!!!
3 months into the wait is something to celebrate. Although, I'm starting to feel that waiting "ache" in my heart . The "ache" that something is missing. The "ache" that makes this waiting so so hard. So.....wherever and whoever you are little one, we will wait for eternity if we have to. We have living, breathing proof that the wait is so so worth it.


What Do You Get?.....*Update Added About Marty..

When you add together....
3 straight days of rain,
1 dog on the mend from heart failure,
and 1 sick little two year old?
One stir crazed, very tired mamma. Phew...its been a LONG couple of days. The rain has been falling, the dog needs his meds and then in turn to go to the bathroom 100 times a day in that pouring rain. The child needs to run around but can't because of that said pouring rain!!! To top it all off Jae-min's little runny nose went directly into his chest and now he's back on his nebulizer to help with the wheezing and coughing.
So...like any "good" mamma, we've been making the most of this situation. I think all of my teacher tricks have been used up so today we decided to dump out his sock basket and outfit all of his "stuffed friends" with new pairs of socks!!!!

Everyone needs a nice new dry pair of socks in the pouring rain, don't they? Here's to hoping for sunny, breathing better days ahead!!!!!
*Update: Marty had his heart test today (Thurs) and let me tell you he was a trooper. He laid so still and let them do what they needed to do. Just one more reason why I love him so!!! The news was...um...not as positive as we'd like. The doctor was super nice and gave me lots of mumble jumble about hearts and stuff (which I understand in my head, just can't share it out loud) The jist is....Marty's condition is degenerative, meaning it will never get better, only worse. The meds will hopefully slow it down, but won't cure it. He laid it out pretty honestly and told me that most dogs only live 1 year....could be longer, could be shorter. That was alittle gut wrenching to hear. 1 year...wow. He gave me lots of symptoms to look for...I hope I don't see any of them for a long time.
Tonight my heart just hurts for Marty. I feel like he's a bit of a ticking time bomb. Tonight when Jae-min shared his blankie with Marty tears streamed down my face!!! I just wonder how we will ever say goodbye when its time? For now, we'll enjoy our Martin. We love you buddy.



Marty was able to come home last night. He responded wonderfully to the protocol they used and they thought the emergency was over....but, the long term affects are still unknown. He has an appt for a test next Thurs where they will look at his heart and see what the future holds. He came home on 3 differect meds and is taking them like a champ. They are very nervous about damages done and about how much heart disease he has. We are too. We just want next Thurs to come to find out the answers. There is a question if Marty should have been prescribed a steroid for itchy skin 2 weeks ago by our vet due to a heart murmur he's had. The hospital is wondering if this is the cause or if it was just coincidental. We shall see. Needless to say we're alittle upset with the vet with how this has all gone down. We'll have our answers next week!!!!
Marty's been having a tough day with his belly now being upset. So...he gets to eat boiled chicken and hamburg meat...Yeah, he's not complaining anymore!!!!
Jae-min came with us last night to pick up Martin, we thought that was important because he saw the whole thing the day before and it was scary for him. Before Marty was brought out Jae-min was bouncing up and down, saying "Yay Martin, fix him" and clapping his hands. The reunion between the two was priceless!!!!!
So, for today our Martin is home safe and sound. I will admit I keep one eye on him making sure he's breathing ok. And yes, he's been getting lots of extra hugs and kisses.
Keep us in your thoughts next Thurs. I think we're going to need lots of strength to hear the news.