
We're Home.......

Safe and sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We made it home last night after our journey around the world. The flight home was bearable and Jae-min did ok for a little baby on a 14 hour plus flight. We've begun to settle in and saw some grieving from him at night. The good news is that so far he allows us to help him through the grief and we can settle him rather quickly. We've noticed he looks for us for comfort and we're thinking bonding and attachment is under way. We know its a process with ups and downs but we're optimistic by how quickly we can settle him and really seem to know the tricks and his cues as to what he needs already. All in all he's still a happy, smiley, guy who loves to play and interact. He's doing great with his "brother" Martin and Martin just wants to lick him (which makes changing duty difficult Haha) We still have that surreal feeling that he is here to stay. But we'll take him!!!!
His pediatrician appointment was today and he did great. We love the office and she thought he's looking great for his adjusted age. We've already noticed some new developmental things he's now doing that he wasn't doing a few days ago. Joe calls him my "little project" and he's a great project to undertake.
As we left Korea I broke down at the airport with all of the emotions of the trip surfacing at once. We were leaving Jae-min's birthcountry, taking him away from everything he knew. And we had to get on a plane, as first time parents, with a baby we hardly knew, and figure it all out in front of 300 captive onlookers. But, with our strength and bond for one another we made it through. I have no doubt in my mind this was how our family was supposed to be. I have no doubt in my mind that Jae-min was always meant for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!