
He's Real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 10:30 this morning our hearts left our bodies and began walking around in the world, in little Jae-min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our social worker walked in ahead of Jae-min and his omma and the world stopped. Life, and the next hour and a half seemed to be surreal and time stood still. Jae-min and his omma sat on the couch next to us and the next thing I knew she handed me our baby with a smile from ear to ear. Jae-min did wonderfully, looked at us with curiousity but quickly interacted and was very happy. We got lots of smiles and even some giggles from him!!!!!!!!! He's AMAZING and we really don't know how we got so lucky. He seems to love us already and we are completely in love with him.
His omma was the sweetest woman and told us that she knows Jae-min is going to the right family. I told her we knew instantly he was meant to be ours and she reached across took my hands, with tears in her eyes saying she did too. She thinks he looks like Joe and fits in well with our family!!!!!! We think she feels peaceful and her heart is content with us as his parents. She called him
Jae-meeenah which we think is darling. He responded so nicely to everything and we are just so in love we can't stand it!!!
We got to go to his well baby check and the nurse also loves him so much. He has been so well taken care of and it touches our hearts. We feel truly blessed to have come halfway around the world and found the baby which we were always meant to have. He's so easygoing and chunky, yup, today he weighed in at 20 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! Chunky monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, after our restless night we feel peaceful again. Your all going to love him. He's absolutely, positively, perfect and we couldn't have asked for anything more.
We will officially take him back to the hotel Wed afternoon and are counting the hours. To say this experience has been amazing is true. Thank you Korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!