
First Day of Pre K

On Wednesday (Sept 12th) Jae-min had his first day of PreK.  He's back at the same preschool as last year, just one more additional morning a week.
He was nervous, excited, and alittle anxious to see what the day held for him.....
I took the same picture last year.  I just have to say, gosh why does he look sooooo grown up??????
Once we arrived in the car line I could tell his anxiety was kicking in.  He started saying he didn't want to go, he didn't like school.  I talked him through it and once our car was next he was all SMILES!!!!!  He grabbed Mrs. W's hand and off they went.  And as you can see from the picture he began to talk her ear off right away!!!!
His teacher's said he's adjusting well, enjoying all the activities, and making new friends (and rekindling some old friendships too)  That makes me so happy.  I LOVE his little school and I know  he does too.
I did well this year at drop off.....no tears from this momma.  Until I saw this......
On the right is Jae-min's "kissing" hand from the first day of school last year, and on the left is his "kissing" hand from this year.  Do you see the huge difference????  Not so much a baby hand anymore.  Which means not so much a baby anymore.
Ahhhhh, thats when the tears flowed.  Stop growing little man.  I want to freeze this time and snuggle that little boy for eternity!!!!!