
Are You Ready For Some Football?

Yesterday was Joe's fantasy football draft with his buddies from his old job (that sounds so weird). This year we had Jae-min home to help daddy pick the best players. So, he turned on the computer at 8:30 am while I got Jae-min dressed in his football outfit only to realize that oops the draft was actually at 8:30 PM. So...needless to say, Jae-min did not attend the draft but looked cute in his outfit anyway!!! We worked on touchdown all day and hope Jae-min has it by the first game. Jae-min and daddy waiting for the football draft.
Jae-min has had a big couple of weeks. He's started walking behind his push toy and climbing the stairs. He has several new words "cracker", "car", "go" which he uses appropriately. He's also used other words yet not consistently so we won't count them yet. He's also using the sign for help appropriately. He's begun to feed himself, after lots and lots of patience and work!!!
With all this progress comes a little "toddler tude". Jae-min has grown independent and with this independence comes some frustration. He's begun to have mini meltdowns, mini tantrums, and whining. He's definately testing us and we know this is totally age appropriate. We're actually happy to see these tests because it means that Jae-min feels comfortable and safe with us. We're sort of igoring these behaviors which is working so far. So, "toddler tude", it doesn't work with us!!!!!