
Maybe some progress....Maybe

So.......... since our homevisit Joe and I have kicked it into high gear and have called numerous people at our agency to ask many questions about why this process is taking so long. As many of you know both Joe and I are pretty laid back, trusting people. We just assumed (apparently incorrectly again) that everything was going according to planned. Well, this laid back attitude bit us in the butt once again. You would have thought we'd have learned with China (heck, it only took us 10 months to kick it into high gear) and see the writing on the wall. After our last visit something didn't feel right so we called some people and got some very interesting answers. Apparently, we don't have to wait for a new immigration form and for new fingerprints, we can just use the approval from China. Oh yeah, that will save months!!!! Also we can submit our dossier to the Korea team now (pictures and forms) and not wait for the homestudy Double yay!!!!! So, are you telling me that all we're waiting for is for our turtle social worker to write the homestudy???? It appears that way. Oh my, but remember she said it would take like 5 weeks to do a first draft. Well, our rears are in gear and we're dropping her alittle email tonight to explain our findings and beg (nicely of course) that she gets her rear in gear and just writes in quick. Thats all we can hope for.
Oh, and by the way. You know all the reading, classes, and studying we've been doing. I guess we didn't have to because if we use our China immigration forms we won't have to be Hague compliant. You have got to be kidding!!! Well, we tried to look at the bright side and when the adoption in China finally happens, we'll have to be Hague compliant if we use the immigration stuff for Korea so maybe she just saved us time in the long run. We'll keep telling ourselves this.
Next step. Contact social worker and start begging. Of course she's on vacation this week so we won't hear until next week. Wish us luck