
Diggin' Halloween!!!!

We had a fun Halloween!!! Jae-min started out the night passing out the candy. Then our little man wasn't anything cuddly, sweet, or snuggly....but he did dress up as the thing he likes best in the world (besides his mamma that is)
A diggerThat's right. We dressed Jae-min up as a construction worker and then created a digger around him. His costume was honestly the hit of the street!!! Some kids at Joe's school made the digger outline and made our son's night. He was a real trooper "driving" the digger door to door.

Although he had fun" trick or treat" (ing) he really liked passing out the candy the best. He even chased down one of his little girl friends on the street to put candy from his pumpkin into hers. Ah, what a gentleman.

Marty got in on the action and had fun walking door to door.
Jae-min sat down on the walkway when we got back to the house to empty out his loot. The funny thing is he has never had candy, or chocolate of any kind. We went through the bucket and offered him appropriate candy for a 2 year old. We also offered stickers, crayons, and some cookies he had received. Well, he looked in the bucket and pulled out the stickers and the little bag of teddy grahms!!! Thats our boy!!! He had fun decorating us with stickers and eating his "cookies, yum!"
Happy Halloween. Jae-min was definately "diggin'" it this year.
Oh and if you remember last year he was dressed as tigger. Hmm, interesting.