
We're Off To Korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official. Our travel itinerary was approved and we leave this Thurs 3/5 and return next Thurs 3/12. We're soooooooo excited, we're just in a fog. We can't believe after all this time we are 3 sleeps away from getting on a plane, flying halfway around the world, to meet our son!!!!!!!!!!! Wow. The best part is we meet Jae-min on Monday morning at 10:30 (Korea time, remember we'll be about 14 hours ahead of you). Can you imagine this time next week Jae-min will be real. He won't just be an adorable picture any longer. He'll be real and we'll have held him, kissed him, and heard his sweet sounds. We'll have talked to his beautiful foster mom and seen much of his beautiful country. I just can't believe it. There are few moments like these in a lifetime and we plan to take in every second and appreciate it for all its worth. It's been a long time coming and we will never take it or him for granted. We know how lucky we are.

This weekend was a whirlwind with a beautiful baby shower to honor Jae-min. We have been busy washing and organizing everything. Thanks to all those who played a part in planning an amazing day. It honored Jae-min, Korea, and us beautifully.
We also got a special blessing yesterday. We began attending church faithfully every week right before our referral came. After our referral every Sunday we would go to church and I would feel so close to Jae-min. Its hard to explain. Well this Sunday we told the father (whose wonderful by the way) about Jae-min and our impending flight. He couldn't have been nicer, hugging us and asking lots of questions. Then he took us in his circle and said a beautiful blessing over us. Of course I had tears streaming down my face. He's excited to meet Jae-min and share in his homecoming.
Through this process many doors have been opened and we've gladly opened our hearts and gone right in. After this weekend I have a sense of peace in my heart and mind. A peace I have never known before. A piece that says you are exactly where you were always meant to be!!