
Fun Friday!!!

Today Jae-min and I hit the road for a fun playdate with Ryan and his mom. We met at an indoor play area due to the freezing temperatures outside, and then we went to lunch with our boys. We had a great time. The boys loved playing on all the play structures while we followed them, making sure they were ok. We then hit lunch where us moms got a chance to chat and the boys got a chance to steal each other utensils, food, and anything else not nailed down. We were laughing thinking of the days in the future where Ryan and Jae-min will actually be sitting at lunch talking. They really enjoy each others company and the feeling is mutual with us moms. We love talking about Korea, adoption, parenting, and the stages our boys are at now. We also love talking about run of the mill things too. I feel blessed to have met Ryan's mom and now to be a part of Ryan's life. It's a bond that not too many share, one which we'll cherish and keep strong!!!Our little man getting ready for his playdate with Ryan, or "Ra" as he called him.
The boys at lunch. Jae-min doesn't want to be left out of the fruit that Ryan's mom brought for him. Little did he know that his momma also brought along delicious fruit to accompany lunch!!
We just love these boys!!!!!!


Two Hundred And Fourteen!!!!!

Do you know what 214 hand knit baby hats looks like? Let me show you........Our "little" project (donation to Holt in Korea) has yielded 214 hand knit hats. Knitted especially by our family, friends, church, and friends of friends. We had a feeling early on in this project that we would get a huge number and lo and behold we did. Unbelievable!!!! Our agency in Korea actually could not accept this large number, so we sent half to orphanages in Beijing China after talking to our agency handling our China adoption. This number still blows our minds. All the hats are packed up and ready to go. They'll be flying halfway around the world to two separate countries to make 214 babies nice and snuggly warm.
Thanks to all those who helped make this project a success!!!
Of course Jae-min had to model the hats before we packed them up!!!!


10 Months Home!!!!!

Can you believe it? Gosh, 10 months!!!! What was life like 10 months ago? The change is amazing. He and I had a playdate today and then we just hung out when Daddy got home from work. We were talking the other day about how we finally belong to "the club". You know the club I'm talking about, if you've ever experienced this joy called parenthood. To be a member of "the club" you must.....
*Put all the nonbreakable ornaments at the bottom of the Christmas tree.
*Put up with all the stuffed animals that sing those annoying songs over and over as your sweetie presses the button 50 million times a day.
*Find strange toys in the bathroom, like musical instruments, cars, and even Elmo.
*Call your significant other mamma or dadda. No more sweet sentiments like honey or sweetie and definately never call them by their name.
*Be super okay with missing your favorite tv shows because now you have more important things to do like rocking and snuggling your baby.
*Have a house full of toys rather than beautiful breakables and potpourri.
*Enjoy going to kid friendly places on a Saturday afternoon or night just to watch your little one light up with excitement.
*Be able to all fit on the big bed on a Saturday morning watching cartoons and drinking milk, snuggling.
*Be able to sing all the words to the newest kids shows and know the characters.
*Finally, you must have the most adorable little boy that made you part of this "club".Thanks for helping us join the club Jae-min. We looked on the outside for far too long and now are enjoying every minute of it!!!
Happy 10 months home baby boy!!!!


Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty......

If you know us at all, you know that no we do not have a cat. Well, until now!!!! Let me explain. Our nice elderly neighbors called last week to tell us that they had a gift for Jae-min. We invited them over, thinking it was probably puzzles, books, trucks, or some lovely toy that we could all share. When they arrived they handed Jae-min a bag and this is what he pulled out.......
A scary (oh I mean adorable) robotic cat. Jae-min was slightly taken aback and alittle afraid of it. Oh, it gets better. This scary little cat actually walks, meows, hisses, purrs, and scares me to death!!!! He lays in waiting for me, hiding under things and when I walk by he begins walking and hissing. Yikes!!! Please stay away from me!!!!
Jae-min has developed a slight fondness for it, but as you can see we won't be getting a real cat anytime soon as this is how Jae-min carries the scary creature...by its tail. So, next time the nice elderly couple across the street calls to say they have a gift, we may just not answer the phone!!

This picture is just too funny. Our darling little one allowed us to put that cereal box on his head and his great sense of humor thought it was the funniest thing ever. He belly laughed as we belly laughed and every time it fell off he said "again". Gosh, he is such the perfect fit for our sick (oh I mean silly) sense of humor. Thanks for rolling with the punches little man. We love you for it!!!


Goodbye 2009

We said goodbye to 2009 quietly at home last night. Honestly, we were all asleep well before midnight!!!
We were alittle sad to see 2009 end. For us 2009 was a HUGE year. I think it was the most amazing and challenging year of our lives!!! 2009 definately took us out of our comfort zone from flying internationally, to navigating a different country, to experiencing all the emotions we have felt during this year, we have truly changed as people. Never in a million years would I have thought I could accomplish some of the things we've been through this year, but we now realize that as long as we stick together we can do anything. We have never had such a big year before, a year that totally changed our entire lives!!!
So, with a little bit of a heavy heart we say goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010!!! We can't wait to see what you have in store for us!!!!
Happy healthy and safe new year!!!!