
Teeckle, Teeckle!!!!!!

Jae-min has a new favorite activity.....tickling bellies!!!! He frequently comes up to us throughout the day, lifts our shirt to see our belly, and exclaims "teeckle teeckle teeckle" in this adorable high pitched voice. He not only "teeckles" us but likes to have Martin join in the fun too. He'll also approach us with his shirt lifted up laughing, wiggling his fingers on his own belly saying "teeckle".
The best part of the whole thing is when he takes Joe's hand and raises my shirt bottom and puts Joe's hand on my belly shouting "daddy teeckle". Oh what a ham bone!!!! And he likes everyone involved in his shananagans!!!! Bring it on little man. We'll play that "TEECKLE" game anytime to hear that sweet voice and that silly laugh that follows.
(And yes, as you can see I'm that crazy mommy that encourages her child to paint. And he LOVED it)


Happy Father's Day!!!!

Ok, ok so I totally dropped the ball on this one!!!! Oops. We had a fun father's day filled with spending time with our own dads and Jae-min getting to spend some outdoor splashing in the sprinkler fun with his daddy!!! We had a great day and Joe loved running through the sprinkler with his little buddy!!Not to be forgotten, Martin had to get in the picture too. Because you know he was the very first "baby"!!!
Jae-min loves his daddy and it's so fun to watch their relationship grow stronger every day. Now that Jae-min is more interactive and "fun" (as Joe says) these two really know how to have fun. It's scary that they have the same sense of humor and mommy is definately in for some trouble in the future.
Happy father's day to a great daddy. Jae-min and I (and even Martin too) wouldn't want anyone else to hold that title.


Bed Head!!!!

.......Enough said!!!! Even chessy with the bed head!!!
Wow, that's some crazy looking hair. Although who else could be this cute with such bed head? I think no one!!!



Today was Jae-min's 2nd birthday!! 2 years old, oh my where did my baby boy go? I can't believe he turned 2. Wow!!!
We had a great day with family and friends. Jae-min was of course in cool dude fashion, enjoying every bit of his big day. He had the opportunity to eat, play with friends, turn blue from cake, get rained on, and open some awesome gifts. All in all it was a great birthday!!!

I thought Jae-min was going to lose it when he saw his DIGGER cake. vroom vroom

Over the last few days I have found myself thinking of Jae-min's birthmother often. As we celebrated today I couldn't help but wonder if there was a sad feeling in her heart on this day. As Jae-min gets older we know that his birthday may be a day of mixed emotions for him and we will support him any way we can. We started by lighting a candle in honor of his birthmom today (which we will do every year) as a small token of rememberence to this brave woman who made all of our dreams come true.


35....For A Moment....

Today Joe celebrated his 35th birthday. Jae-min and I spent the morning baking a cake and wrapping Joe's gifts. As the day went on Jae-min grew more and more excited for Joe to come home from work so we could celebrate. He kept walking by the gifts and squealing and doing this little happy dance!!!
After nap Jae-min couldn't wait to give daddy his gifts and help him open them. And of course daddy loved them all!!!! Especially the colored Elmo picture made by someone very special!!!
Jae-min has been practicing singing happy birthday by putting things into other things like candles. Like putting straws into the playdough, or his veggie sticks sticking out of his sandwich and then "singing" happy birthday and blowing out the candle. Very very cute!!!

Happy happy birthday Joe. We love you!!!



The last several nights Jae-min has been waking halfway through the night, crying. We go in to comfort him and he settles down immediately. The only problem is when he senses you leaving the room again he begins crying again. So.... we've been staying in his room until he falls back to sleep. Now this could take a few minutes or several hours!!! That leaves one of us sleeping all squished up in his chair or on the floor.
Our little gem wanted company at around midnight last night and enjoyed this company for about an hour and a half. Ugh!!! So...this morning Joe and I were laying groggily in our bed listening to Jae-min sing and talk to his bedtime buddies before we could pull our sleepy selves up to start the day. All of the sudden Joe let out a huge sneeze and from the next room we heard this adorable lttle voice say..........."BLESS YOU"
Joe and I started laughing. Oy, this one really knows how to score those points early in the morning after requesting "company" in the middle of the night!!!