
About The Grief....

Imagine the person you love most in the world suddenly disappears. How would you react? How would you grieve? Then another person begins to try to take the place of your loved one...during your grief this imposter tries to hug you, sing to you, and hold you close. How would you react? Would you be able to eat, sleep, let this complete stranger in? Or would you push them away? Would you cry and scream? Or would you completely shut down, hoping this imposter would go away?

Grief is a very powerful thing. But a necessary step to get to the other side, to let others in. As adoptive parents, the grief is the hardest part of the journy. Watching your child....who you longed for and dreamed about...greive is THE HARDEST thing you will ever do in your entire life!! And the guilt creeps in....the guilt that you are actually the cause of the greatest grief and hearbreak your child will ever have to endure. Logically you know that this phase is necessary for bonding and attachment to take place. Logically you know that your child (and you) has to walk through this to get to the other side. Illogically you don't want to do it!! You dread it with all of your being. You know what its going to be like and you honestly don't know if your strong enough to walk this journey with your child again. And you are scared, scared to be in the trenches of grief and feel so alone. Scared for all those feelings of fear to creep up again and watch your child reject you. Scared that you may not be able to do it!!

Will Jaelah be an outward griever? Will she scream, arch her back, sob the most haunting sobs you have ever heard, and maybe even throw up when she realizes her Omma is gone? Will she scream for hours and reject one of us completely at first? Or will she be an inward griever? Will she shut down and seem "fine" during the day? Will she grieve at night when the house is quiet and she has time to process everything that happened? Then will her grief come out?

Jae-min was a night time griever. He was "fine" on the outside throughout the day, but when night came and he began processing it all the screaming, crying, pulling away would begin. The look on his face when he realized it was us trying to comfort him is forever etched in my mind. He didn't want us, honestly at night I'm pretty sure he didn't even like us. We knew to hold him, soothe him, and help him through this time. We knew we had to prove ourselves to him. And we did.............eventually. We walked the hardest road we have ever walked in our lives. We thought at times we were drowning, and would never make it to the end,,,but we did.

The pain hasn't gone away, the memories have dimmed, but are not forgotten.

Which makes this time around alittle more scary. This time around we know exactly what grief looks like, how awful it will be, but on the other hand how necessary of a process it is. Jaelah has a bond/attachment to her foster family and will need to grieve their loss in order to bond/attach to us. She has no idea of the changes that are on their way. The guilt will creep in again, that we're doing this to our beloved baby girl. We know that it was never God's intention for Yun-jeong to live with her omma forever, but she doesn't know that. She is happy and secure and loved as we speak.....and then we will come and take her away from all of that...........and then the grief will begin.

When we're in the trenches of grief with our sweet Jaelah Yun-jeong we simply ask for encouraging words, a pat on the back, a smile or little pep talk from all of you. We realize if you have never been an adoptive parent it is difficult to understand the enormity of the grief our little ones go through.....and thats ok. But just try to remember the grief you would feel if these changes happened to you. If all you had ever known suddenly disappeared, how would you react?

We are prepared as best we can be for the grief to come. We know that we'll make it through, and when we think we can't do it anymore we'll find the strength somehow. On Friday as our plane takes off to bring us to our beautiful girl, I know our hearts will be heavy as well as bursting. I know there will be tears shed because we know what Yun-jeong is about to endure. And on the following Sunday as our plane leaves Seoul, more tears will fall from our eyes as her grief becomes clear in all that she is losing.....a country, a culture, a language, a family....her world. And as she says goodbye to her foster family, her grief will become our own. We will try to shoulder some of that grief for our daughter, because honestly no little person should ever have to feel that much pain. Adoption is full of hopes and fulfilled dreams, but it is also full of loss. And in that understanding comes a greater understanding of the grief.


We're Good To Go.......

Well sorta!!!!!
Our flights are booked, with tickets Fed Exed to us yesterday.....so tickets in hand to go to KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We leave on Friday June 3rd and arrive in Seoul on Saturday June 4th.....yes that's SIX days from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will travel home as a family of 4 (plus my dad) on Sunday June 12th!!!! Which just happens to be Jae-min's 3rd birthday!!
We've had a little "glitch" in our accomodations....and honestly I don't have the energy to rehash the whole story.....so I'm going with this motto......whatever comes will come, and we'll deal with it as it comes............because all that really matters is soon soon soon we'll be meeting our daughter!!!!!!!!!!! And that's worth anything, any bump, any hiccup, anything we're about to endure....she's worth it all.

Oh and the best part of all is on Thursday June 9th, at 1:30pm in Seoul Korea, we will lay eyes on our sweet girl and get to hold her forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our family day just happens to be Joe's birthday....what better gift could he possibly ask for. (Just a reminder that we will be 13 hrs ahead of you, so this will all take place around midnight on Wed).
I honestly can't believe we know the day when we will become a family of 4. This time next week we'll be en route to Seoul........a magical place that has made all of our dreams come true!!!!!!!!!!! Korea here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TRAVEL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you hear the screams from where you were sitting at 6:34am, did you get swept away by the flood of tears streaming down my face???????????? We got the blessed news that Yun-jeong is ready to come HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me start at the beginning......
At 5am I woke with a start and couldn't fall back to sleep (not really unusual for me), so I went downstairs and laid on the couch for awhile.
I groggly decided to check my emails.....and in my inbox was an email titled "you're cleared for travel". I had to look twice and then tears flooded. I opened the email and there it was.....the news we had been waiting for.....our travel call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't believe it.....how, how, how??? We had just checked with the Visa Center yesterday and they saw her picture but no VI and no Visa yet......so how could we be getting the call???? I knew it would come when I least expected and there it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The words I have longed for since seeing her face.........the words that any momma wants to hear..........your baby is READY!!!!!

We are frantically working on travel plans and will update when we have them. But for right now, in this moment, I want to take a breath and enjoy, and feel, and CELEBRATE!!!! Because its no longer years, months, that our family will be united....its now weeks, days.
And my mom pointed out something to me.......4 years ago today we were logged in to China.....beginning our wait and our journey to our children.....and now 4 years later we have a TRAVEL CALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To a different land, to a different experience....but to how it was always supposed to be.

As I sat with Jae-min before nap I took a moment to realize how truly blessed I am. I didn't think I could wait one more day, one more second.....but look I could, because this feeling is like no other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're on our way baby girl.


Take A Little Look.....

Since last week turned into a week with no news.....a week of every day turning into disappointment, every minute seeming to last an hour.....and by Friday a mommy in waiting "caving" and calling the Visa Center only to be told "NOTHIN""""....I thought it was about time to show you Jaelah's room.
Yesterday a teacher who works with Joe came over and put the finishing touch on the room.....she painted this beautiful cherry blossom tree on the wall!!!! And let me tell you with that tree, the room became MAGICAL!!!! I love everything about it.
She even hid a teeny tiny ladybug on the trunk....which gets me teary every time I see it.
The room is girly, sweet, peaceful, and now MAGICAL. I know I'll be spending lots of time in here, making our girlie feel secure and comforted. And I just love love love it.
We often find Marty laying on the rug in the room just waiting.......he also did this in Jae-min's room when we were waiting for him....I think he senses someone new is on the way....and he's just keeping it warm till she gets here.
We pray that soon this room is filled with a little girl. This wait has turned from hard to downright BRUTAL.....and we're honestly hanging on by a thread at this point. We have no idea when the sound of little feet will fill this room...........but its gotta happen soon, right??????


"Sprinkled" With Love

This weekend was full of celebrations!!! With all that is coming, we decided to have Jae-min's birthday party early so that we could celebrate and he could enjoy his day. And boy did he enjoy it!!! All you could hear amongst the guests in the backyard was Jae-min's laughter. He had so much fun.....playing with his friends was his favorite.It was the best decision, as we were cleaning up we realized we never would have been able to pull that off with a newly adopted baby too....so now he's telling everyone that he's 3....Oh well I guess this year he can be 3 for 13 months!!!! Haha

Then yesterday my mom threw us a small baby shower (or sprinkle) as she calls it. It was so fun to celebrate Jaelah and talk with friends and just "relax" for awhile. She got lots of cute clothes and some other necessities.....like a second car seat, her bedding, and baby monitor. It sort of hit me when I came home from the "sprinkle" of just how close we actually are. I have a feeling this is going to be a very nervous week.

Ok Mr. Visa Man..................I feel like a pregnant woman way past her due date....you know the kind with the swollen belly, although mine is a swollen heart.............do you hear that Mr. Visa Man..............its time to issue this little ones Visa and put this momma into "labor". I don't think I can wait much more!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, that's weird....

Edited (again) Ok...even weirder....now the original post is back!!!! Must be a little computer man really making me nuts....Come on little computer man, can't you see I already AM a bit nuts right now!!! So....if you want to read the original post its back (below). And if you just want to come back on a different day and forget the whole thing I'll totally understand

I had written a post here....about waiting, and others have been having a problem with blogger...and I guess its caught up with me too...because my post has mysteriously disappeared!!! Hope you were able to read it, because it was a good one Haha. For some reason its not even in my archives so I guess its long gone into the land of computerville.
I will repeat that on May 11 we received Yun-jeong's Class B waiver.....within 2 hours we had it signed, notorized, and overnighted back to our agency. Its actually on its way to Korea today!!!
This will be added to all her other documents, making up P3(packet 3). This will be sent to the Embassy and then her Visa Interview will be scheduled. After that its Travel Call!!!!!! Can you see how close we are?????
Please continue to pray that we can make it through the end of this wait...its getting very, very, very HARD.


You Know You've Waited Too Long When........

*you check your email 1,000 times a day.....and still there's nothin"
*you keep your phone in your pocket and check it repeatedly just to make sure its on
*you put Martin's medicine in the FREEZER rather than the cabinet!!!! Yup
*you have little piles all over the house...little piles of stuff to take....stuff to take....stuff to take
*you have lists galore and make more lists to find the original lists
*you double check in the rearview mirror that little Man is buckled....don't worry he is...each and every time.
*sometimes you can't breathe just thinking about what's to come.
*sometimes your eyes well up thinking about holding a baby you've never met.
*and sometimes you sit in a candlelit room, by yourself, when the house is quiet, and rock in a chair with empty arms. You look around and can see HER laying in her crib, spinning in her dresses, and laughing.
*sometimes you just feel like your losing your mind from the longing, nerves, excitement, and anxiety.

Today we received Yun-jeong's Class B waiver. This is generated by the Visa Physical she had last week. Some things were noted by the doctor, and they just want to make sure that we are aware of these "needs". Well, of course we are....but her Visa will not be issued until we send back this form. So in all of 2 hours we had that thing signed, notorized, and overnighted back to our agency. They will send it to Korea on Friday.
This form will be added to many other forms and make up P3(packet 3)which will be sent from Holt to the Embassy. After the Embassy receives this packet they will schedule her for a Visa Interview....................then her Visa will be issued and we get TRAVEL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We received a copy of her physical and in the upper left corner was her sweet little face.....taken at her Embassy Appearance. This picture will be used on her Visa. Oh, and looking at her sweet face makes the waiting so much harder.

Please say a prayer that we can make it through the last portion of this wait. Its getting very, very, very HARD!!!!


A Mother's Love....

This Mother's Day was filled with lots of mixed emotions...joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, arms that were full and arms that were still aching, and a heart that could burst and at the same time was weeping. A child I had longed for is here and so full of life to make this a GREAT day....and a child that I still long for is still so far away.I found myself bursting with happiness and sadness all at the same time. I know how close we are, but on this day nothing can take away the ache to hold ALL of your children in your arms.
And on this day I found myself thinking of 2 women....2 women whom I will never meet, yet feel like I know just by looking into the eyes of our children. 2 women who, with their brave and unselfish decision, allowed me to be a mother. It was with the greatest gratitude and respect that I thought of Jae-min's and Jaelah's birthmother's today. I hope they have some peace and in some way they know their children are loved beyond measure. To them I am eternally grateful.


Visa Physical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday we received an email from our agency informing us that Yun-jeong would have her Visa Physical on May 4th...that's today in the US, but its already happened in Korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost fell off my chair when I opened that email......when 2 weeks ago we were thinking we wouldn't travel till August, and now 2 weeks later we've been submitted and approved for EP, and know her physical is complete is CRAZY!!!! I'll admit I sort of felt like I was going to throw up when I read the next line......." and travel from this point is about 1-4 weeks". Can you believe it???

I will say that I didn't sleep well last night. I knew that it was already Wednesday in Korea and I kept thinking of her getting ready with her omma, driving to the hospital, and getting checked over by the doctor. I hope she dazzled those doctors and showed them what she's got........make this mamma proud little one!!!!
And it was the most peace I've felt in a long time. To know exactly what both of my children are doing even though they were worlds away. While one slept snuggly in his bed, the other was having her most important check up of her life....a check up that will give the ok for us to come and get her.

Ah....we are getting so so close. The false "labor pains' have begun....my head is spinning, my belly is hurting, my eyes are filling with tears for no apparent reason. Tonight we're heading to Build a Bear so Jae-min can make Jaelah a bear and so we can celebrate this day.....this day that brings us closer and closer to being a family of 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We'll Leave A Light On....

Till your home....
When we found out we had been submitted for Yun-jeong's EP we put a candle in her window to symbolize our waiting for her...a small glimmer of light and hope in these tough days.
And now, after finding out about her EP being APPROVED and realizing that we are getting ever closer to our sweet one, this candle has taken on a whole new meaning.
Now when I walk by it I feel hope and butterflies in my tummy. I love the glow it casts at night and I love that her room is full of soft light....a light that will guide her home!!!!
I love feeling connected to her and I often wipe away a tear or two, just thinking about her a world away. But most of all the room that was once dark has light....and will soon have the light and laughter of a little girl.

Today Yun-jeong turns 15 months old. I have thought about her a lot today. My prayer on this day is that she is soaking up all the love and snuggles from her foster family....a family that have cared for her for so so long, and will soon say goodbye. And that she will hold onto that love forever. May this be the last month "birthday" we have to be apart, little one.
Yet till we meet....we'll leave a light on to guide you home.