
First Road Trip!!!

Last week we went on our first road trip since Jae-min came home almost 1.5 years ago!!! Since coming home he has only slept in his own bed, so imagine my anxiety as we approached this vacation. But.... with our little trooper, everything went great!!! He loved New Hampshire and Storyland. He slept like a champ, played, laughed, and had a ball. First vacation was a success!!! For mamma and toddler Haha
Here's Humpty Dumpty (or humpy dumpy as Jae-min calls him). I think Jae-min found a new best friend.
Jae-min got to "drive" the tractor. We thought his head was going to explode, he was so excited!!
Look real closely at that big green thing. It's a huge catepillar. Gross, but pretty cool. Jae-min got a stick and wanted him to climb aboard. But I think it was just too fat.

Aww...look at that beautiful Cinderella and the handsome prince!!!! Jae-min was all smiles and giggles visiting her. A little tongue tied maybe?

And what good vacation doesn't end like this? Fast asleep two minutes after we got in the car on the last day. And he and Martin slept most of the way home. We had 2 tired little ones!!!!!!!!

We had a great time and all of mommies worrying was for nothing. I'm trying to relax and have faith in our little man and our parenting of him, but gosh its hard. This mommy stuff is tough some times.


One Month Down!!!!

Yesterday we celebrated one month down in our wait for Jae-min's brother/sister, or KB too as we refer to this sweet little baby. If you have been following along for awhile you may remember that when we were waiting for Jae-min we named him KB. So...this little one is KB too. Jae-min got in on the action and was excited to go to the playground and for a picnic last night in honor of this special day. I think it hit me yesterday that we are waiting again. If you remember from before I was always a little slow on the uptake and was always waiting for something bad to happen, not really believing this process would really end up with us having a child. But.....look, it works!! So this time around I can believe with my whole heart that things will work out in the end. Yesterday I realized that WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY and I sort of wanted to shout it from the rooftops. We really are doing this all again. We're really waiting, and going to Korea, and feeling those feelings of seeing our babies face for the first time, and trying to comfort a baby who doesn't know us, and seeing a smile and hearing a laugh and meeting a foster family who instantly becomes a part of our family......we're really doing it all again.
How amazing is that? We have one month under our belts. One month closer to getting that call. That call that will change our lives again.
I started thinking of all the hard times that will lay ahead for us. All the sleepless nights, the tears, the feelings of overwhelmness (if thats even a word). But this time I have a different view. I have the view on the other side that all of those hard times make these times that much sweeter. And I know we can do this again. And I think yesterday as I cried for the first time for this new child, I realized that I already love them. They are already very real to us and with each passing month we'll grow closer to having our next baby. So, one month down KB too.


The Negotiation....From The Negotiator

Last night we ate dinner on the back porch to enjoy the beautiful weather. Jae-min was dilly-dallying about eating his chicken, potatoes, and veggies. We were all talking and laughing throughout dinner, and then noticed that Jae-min still had lots to go. Joe and I began talking about yummy oatmeal raisin cookies that we could eat after dinner. Then the negotiation began:
Jae-min: "Ooh, cookies"
Me: "You can have a cookie after you eat up some more of your dinner"
Jae-min raises one of his chunky little fingers
Cocks his head to the side
And says:
"First cookie, then chicken!!!"
Um, no little man
"First cookie"
We just couldn't help but burst into laughter. That's our little negotiator. And no....he did not get that negotiated cookie until he ate his chicken. Silly silly boy.
From these pictures, I'd say that Mr. Potatoe Head has a run for his money. Wouldn't you say so?


Squiggles and Giggles....

Yesterday Jae-min and I went to a story/song time at our local library entitled Squiggles and Giggles. At the end of the class was alittle art project. It was so much fun!!! Jae-min loved all the stories and songs about rainbows and colors (and an owl, not really sure the relevence on that one) At the end of the class all the kids sat at little tables and made their very own rainbows. Jae-min loved using the sticky glue stick and the crayons and gluing the colors onto the paper. As you can see he was very proud of his finished product!!!It was such a fun and surreal experience to sit next to MY child in a little kid chair and create this awesome rainbow. During my teaching days, I sat next to so many kids and helped with projects that this moment was truly awesome!!! The fun we had was amazing. And this mommy let her little man do the project mostly by himself (with just alittle assistance) All of the other kids walked out of the room with perfect rainbows. But my little man walked out with the BEST rainbow of all.
I guess our saying really is correct. SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE!!! And one of my silly dreams came true in a library back room with the cutest little man ever!!!