
The Negotiation....From The Negotiator

Last night we ate dinner on the back porch to enjoy the beautiful weather. Jae-min was dilly-dallying about eating his chicken, potatoes, and veggies. We were all talking and laughing throughout dinner, and then noticed that Jae-min still had lots to go. Joe and I began talking about yummy oatmeal raisin cookies that we could eat after dinner. Then the negotiation began:
Jae-min: "Ooh, cookies"
Me: "You can have a cookie after you eat up some more of your dinner"
Jae-min raises one of his chunky little fingers
Cocks his head to the side
And says:
"First cookie, then chicken!!!"
Um, no little man
"First cookie"
We just couldn't help but burst into laughter. That's our little negotiator. And no....he did not get that negotiated cookie until he ate his chicken. Silly silly boy.
From these pictures, I'd say that Mr. Potatoe Head has a run for his money. Wouldn't you say so?


Waiting4OurAngel said...

Such a cute story and such a cute little boy!!

mom & dad said...

Jae-min, you won't get away with anything with Mommy & Daddy. They want you to eat all the healthy foods so that you'll grow up to be big and strong.
You certainly are a ham and Mr. Potato Head has a run for his money.
Love, Mammy & Papa