

Christmas 2011 was filled with laughter, chaos, smiles, excitement, wrapping paper EVERYWHERE, and one little boy who totally "got" the holiday and one little girl who went along with it all.
Santa left the desired Elmo and scooter....as well as a dollhouse and Cars pillow. Jae-min was ecstatic for his scooter and has been scooting around the house ever since. He even "scooted" to bed on Christmas night!!!!
Jae-min awoke first and did well laying in bed with us for alittle bit. Then it was fair game....lets go wake up Jaelah!!!! She was not to thrilled with the entourage coming into her room with cameras. Come on sister.....Santa Came!!!!
Jae-min couldn't wait to get his little feet on that scooter. And our "safety police" even was looking for his helmet. We explained he could use the helmet he already had. "oh, then here I go"
Jaelah loved this doll cradle we got for her. I think it was her favorite gift!!!
Jae-min got lots of Cars gifts and loves every one of them.
Jaelah got lots of fun stuff too and took the day in stride.
Then a magical thing happened. While we were making lunch it started to snow!!! The kids were so excited and got to try out their new shovels from Grammy and Papa. We had so much fun throwing snowballs and catching snowflakes.
The night ended with a brother and sister sharing the couch to watch Frosty the Snowman.
We had a great time celebrating with family. Thank you for all the gifts and the memories. Merry Christmas!!!


Okey "Dokey"!!!!!

Santa has sent many little elves to homes with youngin's this time of year and we are no exception. Our special little friend began his "job" last year and has returned this year to make sure all is well during this holiday season. Meet little Dokey......Ah yes....Dokey....the magical elf. Well things started out on a great foot this season. Dokey decided to come for his first visit the weekend before Thanksgiving. He came with a note stating that he would stay till after Thanksgiving and then take the kiddos wish list back to Santa....oh and he even brought the kiddos a new movie...Wow!!!
So the kids made their lists and cut out a picture of a scooter (for Jae-min) and Elmo (for Jaelah) and off Dokey flew.
All was well until last week when our little 3 year old (Jae-min) had to ask "where's Dokey?" Hmm, come to think of it we hadn't seen him. I "covered" for Dokey and said maybe he's waiting for us to decorate....still no Dokey. Maybe he's waiting for us to put up our stockings...still no Dokey. Ok Dokey where are you????
Finally finally he arrived with huge cheers from one little boy and a sister who had no idea why she was doing a dance in the kitchen but whatever, if big bro's doing it so will I!!!
But Dokey was looking a little "funny" this year. This first place he perched himself he actually fell over onto his side. When I went to see what was the matter Jae-min shouted "stop! (insert wagging finger at me) You can't touch Dokey or he'll lose all his magical powers". So laying down he stayed.
And then last night after I put the kids to bed I heard one of their toys going off....sure enough Dokey had left his perch high on the curtain rod and fallen into the toy on his way to see Santa causing the toy to sing...LOUDLY. To which a certain 3 year yelled "what was that" Nothing dear just go back to sleep.

So today Dokey and I had a little chat about sleeping on the job, about being more careful, and about being alittle more responsible. I'm pretty sure we have the most irresponsible elf Santa has....a little secret...I've even seen Dokey running into a different spot after the kids wake in the morning because he forgot to leave and see Santa (wink wink) Come on little elf. Show some respect!!!!


This Boy......

This boy is a miracle by every sense of the word....he was born way too early, and way too small, yet has thrived and grown and blossomed.
This boy is a fighter.....from the moment he entered the world till now he has shown such persistence to excel in all he does.
This boy is a charmer.....from his doctors in Korea to his Omma to his forever family this boy has charmed the pants off of everyone he knows.
This boy is a son, a brother, a grandson, a great grandson, a nephew, a godson, and a friend.
This boy made me a mother, made us a family.
This boy was patient as we fumbled through it all (and still do), in hopes that we're getting it right by him......

Yesterday December 2nd marked 3 years since I saw this face....... I will NEVER forget those words on the other end of the phone "I have great news for you. You have a son!!!!" I will never forget sitting at my computer and opening an email and seeing that photo.....that adorable little mouth, and those sweet eyes, and that angelic expression on that sweet face....the face of my SON. It was instantaneous.....in that moment, in that first glimpse I knew I was looking at the boy who was always destined to be mine. It was indescribable the connection I felt. And now 3 years later as I look at that photo I am transferred back to that chilly day and know with all of my being that in one little photo, with one little glimpse I became a mother. It would be several months before I held my baby boy for the first time, but on that day December 2nd I was a mother who was looking at her son!!!
And just look at him now!!!! My love for him has grown immensely (if that's even possible) and each time I look at him I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am his mother. He may have been born half a world away, he may have had to wait until I could come for him, but it was all so so worth it. And now when he says to me "Mamma will you hold my hand?" when we're just chilling out watching tv my heart skips a beat......to know and see how love can travel halfway around the world astounds me. And to know and see how one little photo, how one little phone call could bring so much joy........makes me believe in MIRACLES....because that's what this boy truly is!!!!