
Original Homestudy to be Updated

At the beginning of March we realized that our homestudy will expire on April 11 and it needs to be updated before this date. Being the organized person that I am I also looked at all the other expiration dates for our fingerprints and immigration and contacted our agency to see what to do about this. We contacted our social worker to tell her of our upcoming expirations also. Due to the fact that nothing has changed in the last year we think she won't need to visit again but rather just write a new report stating the same things.....we are good people, we can't wait for our baby, send her our way!!!.... well, it will go something like that!
These updates were to be expected because remember, we originally thought it would take 18months to see our baby. As you have read, that will not be happening now. We may have to do many more updates on all our paperwork in the coming years. Our agency contacted us to tell us to renew our fingerprints and immigration in the fall. So, we'll go in early fall for the fun task of re-fingerprinting. At least it keeps this adoption real for us.

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